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I.D Refusal At Asda.

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Pretty sure any shop can refuse to sell anyone anything, this wouldn't be a specific Asda policy. 


I am not entirely sure what provision the law makes for the, how can I put this, "mentally stunted". If they are 18 they are 18.

Edited by HeHasRisen
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1 minute ago, HeHasRisen said:

Pretty sure any shop can refuse to sell anyone anything, this wouldn't be a specific Asda policy. 

Yeah I understand that and to be honest I don't have a problem with it. It was the comment of the shop worker that I feel was off. 

She could have just refused service instead of making a comment she did. 

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2 minutes ago, The_DADDY said:

Yeah I understand that and to be honest I don't have a problem with it. It was the comment of the shop worker that I feel was off. 

She could have just refused service instead of making a comment she did. 

Refusing service based on an obvious disability though, which in the face of it this seems what has actually happened, surely isn't on. 


Not sure where you go with it, mind. 

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1 minute ago, HeHasRisen said:

Refusing service based on an obvious disability though, which in the face of it this seems what has actually happened, surely isn't on. 


Not sure where you go with it, mind. 

My bold

I'm glad you said that because that was my thought. Thing is I have 2 kids with similar needs so I tend to react a bit quick hence my decision to post it on here 👍


The care worker is following up with asda and she's a feisty lass so she won't let them fob her off. 

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59 minutes ago, ECCOnoob said:

When the law puts personal liability and risk of substantial fines directly upon shop workers with regards restricted goods without conducting proper checks. 


Nobody has an automatic right to compel a business to sell them goods.  If the shop worker considered the person, despite their actual age, did not have sufficient mental capacity or maturity for the goods in question, then they were right to debar the sale.


The very fact that the protagonist in this story has a care worker rings alarm bells straightaway. If said care worker was so concerned why didn't they buy the goods on behalf of the service user themselves.


I feel there is far more to this story than is being said.

Probably because said care worker thought it was good practise to allow the young man some autonomy over his own life. She was still supervising him at a distance, and it sounds like he behaved exactly as he should. Every mother will know what she was about.


How hypocritical to say the care worker should buy it for him, and then give it to him. How is he ever going to learn to take  responsibility for his own actions and how to behave if he never gets the opportunity to try. I think on this occasion she probably knew best, certainly better than a young shop assistant, although the assistant was put in a difficult position and deserves a bit of leeway.

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1 hour ago, The_DADDY said:

I wasn't going to bother posting this but it's bugging me. 

Here's the scenario. 

24 year old man attempts to buy a restricted item (A 4 pack of lager) from asda. He has his passport as proof of age yet he was still refused. They accepted his passport was valid but the Karen on the tills said "He can't have it. I don't belive he's mature enough". 

A bit of extra info. He is a 24 year old man however he has developmental delay so he acts and thinks like someone much younger. 

His care assistant was fuming and will be taking it up with asda herself.  She said he was behaving properly, was polite and respectful and didn't display any inappropriate behaviour at all. She was dead proud of him..


2 questions.....


1. If a passport shows someone to be old enough to buy an item then surely to shop should sell it to them yes?

Unless of course they are drunk/under the influence of drugs etc?


2. When did it become a shop workers Job to decide if someone was mature enough to complete a purchase? 


Am I wrong to be so irritated by this?



My first thought is that you experience far more outrage per day than most ordinary people.

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