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1 hour ago, Al Bundy said:

Exhibit one from you..


"All I would say as a lefty, who is quite comfortable and not at all envious of anybody, is that some of those on the right don't know what a day's work is".


Exhibit two, again from you..


That's a right wing blubber message


Exhibit three, once more, from you..


In other words he's a, "do as I please" selfish guy  




All these were made before the latter part of the thread.




Maybe you should practice what you preach.







Which version of our Mr. Inconsistency are you referring to?


Holding a finger to the wind, he can be dogmatic, a fence sitter, or downright agreeable with any position that happens to be popular at the moment.


He has this need to be always right.


So even I'm agreeing with a lot of his new stuff!


It's called progress!  :)

Edited by trastrick
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2 hours ago, Al Bundy said:

Exhibit one from you..


"All I would say as a lefty, who is quite comfortable and not at all envious of anybody, is that some of those on the right don't know what a day's work is".


Exhibit two, again from you..


That's a right wing blubber message


Exhibit three, once more, from you..


In other words he's a, "do as I please" selfish guy  




All these were made before the latter part of the thread.




Maybe you should practice what you preach.





Is that what you call insults ?

You must have had a sheltered life.

Spending your life with me would have toughened you up a bit.


I would expect you to be one of those who never did a real days work.

I already know that you are one of those who don't like paying taxes so, i n other words,  a do as I please guy.

Surprise surprise,  the post is a blubber message from guys like you. 

I'm tired of this,  I'm tired of that,  I'm tired of everything    -    yes, that sounds like you.

We'll leave the immigrants out for now.


Edited by Organgrinder
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21 hours ago, Anna B said:

So we can rant and rave about the system, try and change the system, or suck it up.

I think the current discontent is because people have realised they are just hamsters in a wheel, the system can't be changed by the likes of us, and 'freedom' is just an illusion.

The "system" has been built on some seriously flawed economic premises.


That all citizens have a "right" to have all their basic needs provided and regulated into law, by the "government".


Decent housing, decent health care, decent education, decent day care, a decent job at a decent wage.


That it can be provided by taxing those who work for their living, and failing that, it can be done on borrowed money from future generations, which is presently the case.


That your "hamsters in a wheel", should be ever grateful to the government and their dependents, for the "privilege" of being allowed on the wheel.  :)


Truth is, only a prosperous society can afford such largess to its citizens. A wealth of natural resources, or a strong societal work ethic, which is expected from each able bodied person, and respected and incentivised  by family, community and government.


These failed and flawed notions are, unfortunately now well embedded in the public consciousness, and without the inevitable serious economic crisis, riots in the streets when the money runs out, it is difficult or even impossible to change the present course.


There has to be more people pulling the wagon, than riding in it!


Voters will always vote their self interest, and will continue to elect those charlatan politicians who promise the most free stuff.


Others, criminals, benefit cheaters, the lazy, and the idle, will continue to find ways to manipulate the system.


And the domestic and international marxists cheer it all on from the sidelines :)




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40 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:

Is that what you call insults ?

You must have had a sheltered life.

Spending your life with me would have toughened you up a bit.


I would expect you to be one of those who never did a real days work.

I already know that you are one of those who don't like paying taxes so, i n other words,  a do as I please guy.

Surprise surprise,  the post is a blubber message from guys like you. 

I'm tired of this,  I'm tired of that,  I'm tired of everything    -    yes, that sounds like you.

We'll leave the immigrants out for now.


Exhibit four!!


It's like taking candy off a toddler.


Edited by Al Bundy
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I'd be interested to know what jobs the forum right wingers do? They don't appear to be very economically active to me. 


Personally I made my money and paid off my house 25 years ago and now I only work if it looks interesting, I claim no benefits. I'm happy to pay taxes to support those who don't work, or don't want to.


Despite having a car I walk and cycle most places, grow food, play gigs, and I love the lefty enclave where I live where everyone is so positive and supportive, and happy.

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Just now, Palomar said:

I'd be interested to know what jobs the forum right wingers do? They don't appear to be very economically active to me. 


Personally I made my money and paid off my house 25 years ago and now I only work if it looks interesting, I claim no benefits. I'm happy to pay taxes to support those who don't work, or don't want to.


Despite having a car I walk and cycle most places, grow food, play gigs, and I love the lefty enclave where I live where everyone is so positive and supportive, and happy.

Who do you consider the "forum right wingers"? 

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3 minutes ago, Palomar said:

I'd be interested to know what jobs the forum right wingers do? They don't appear to be very economically active to me. 



I assumed all the forum grumps who hate change and the "coloured people" were all elderly retirees, tbf. Should start an "I Am Scared Of Change" section on here.

Edited by HeHasRisen
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