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Huw Edwards: Household Name Bbc Presenter 'Paid Teenager For Sexually Explicit Photos'

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34 minutes ago, Mister M said:

How do you know that both were treated by Edwards and Schofield as rent boys?

If you mean they were showered with money or gifts for sexual services, well I'm sure that there are plenty of girls and women who've been treated like that by their male lovers. Are they prostitutes?

Incidentally I remember when as West77 you made numerous homophobic swipes about me. So I know exactly where you're coming from.

I am only responsible for posts made by Axe.  You are confused and probably should avoid homosexual related topics.



27 minutes ago, cuttsie said:

I will never get my head round men fancying men , can't help it .

I also do not understand it.  Perhaps that is why some folk believe it is a mental disorder.  


28 minutes ago, cressida said:

Both of the above are intelligent men,  why do something so risky,  think - don't put yourself at risk of blackmail,  particular on a video - makes me wonder if the teenagers are chosen for their lack of experience,  naive and vulnerable to exploitation.

It is a problem which some men have which makes them risk their careers and marriages by such behaviour.  You never hear about intelligent  mature women behaving in the same way towards teenage girls.

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19 minutes ago, Axe said:

I am only responsible for posts made by Axe.  You are confused and probably should avoid homosexual related topics.

Listen, you can't erase history simply because you've changed user names on a forum. I know what you said, as others who can see right through you can. We are not as daft as you - which is just as well :rolleyes:

I will not avoid 'homosexual related topics' - they relate to me because it's who I am. If you couldn't / can't stop yourself from being derogatory and discriminatory about other people in breach of this forum's rules then it is you who should avoid discussing topics relating to gay people.




I also do not understand it.  Perhaps that is why some folk believe it is a mental disorder.  

It ceased being classified as a mental disorder years ago, and the label is now regarded as a product of the society from whence it came. So some folk who believe it's a mental disorder are ignorant and stupid.

Pretending to be someone else on an internet forum because the previous identity you concocted for yourself came to be regarded as toxic and the subject of derision is probably a classified mental disorder though. 'Walter Mitty Syndrome' or something like that.


Edited by Mister M
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