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Sheffield Phrases That Are In Danger Of Dying Out. Apparently.

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I have heard all these words used  but  ginnel always called a jennel.  I have a book "A glossary of words used in the neighbourhood of Sheffield" by  Sidney Oldall Addy published 1888.  Intro a bit hard going but fascinating .Place names, street names, games, customs and words I've never heard.   The thing surprising me most was how the letter i in words was sounded oi.  e.g. light sounded loight.

Gennel {jennel) an entry, a narrow passage between two or more houses.  Refers to Gin Hoil (again vowel sounded differently) a footpath in Dore with a wall each side and a post at each end.

Pity Sheffield dialect vanishing.Apparently local minor gentry used dialext. No telly or media though

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7 hours ago, Padders said:

Put big light on......


Left Sheffield years and years ago and still use that one.  And  'put t'kettle on'.

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13 hours ago, Irene Swaine said:

About time people stopped this cringeworthy slang and spoke properly.

Bloody hell, I actually agree with you. Even worse is people who TYPE it the way they speak it. Why? Imagine doing that on something like a CV, it would be absurd. Type normally, for crying out loud.

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