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19 Billion In Unclaimed Benefits!

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1 hour ago, Al Bundy said:

Of course not.


I don't see Bill on social media with Diamonds dripping off him though and parking on double yellow lines in his 700 grand car.

Would it be any of your business if you did ?


1 hour ago, Al Bundy said:

Fair enough


I just know if it was me making a big fuss about starving kids, I wouldn't be parading around in a 700 grand car and taking private jets with diamonds dripping off me. I would feel a bit silly.


And so you should because you are.

Are you one of those who peeks through the nets to see what everyone is doing or wearing.       I could imagine you with Cissy and Ada.

My apologies to Les Dawson & Roy Barraclough.

Edited by Organgrinder
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26 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:

Would it be any of your business if you did ?


And so you should because you are.

Are you one of those who peeks through the nets to see what everyone is doing or wearing.       I could imagine you with Cissy and Ada.

My apologies to Les Dawson & Roy Barraclough.

Is that any of your business?

29 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:

What have you got against Marcus ?

Does he tell you what you should spend your money on ?

What a miserable individual you are.


He is a highly talented individual, fair play to him.


My thoughts are mentioned in a previous post.


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I think the point that's being forgotten in a lot of this is that we have a system of social insurance in this country where people who pay into the system are not claiming what is rightfully theirs.

We know from the research that Anna quoted in her opening post, and other research which I have read, is that it is the elderly who are not claiming these benefits. Stigma, not wanting to be seen as a burden, or 'a scrounger' often weighs heavily with many people.

Yes there are people who will claim everything, and even more if they could, and those stories are often very high profile, sometimes making the front pages of newspapers. But 19 Billion is a huge amount of money, and to be fair, the stories of ordinary people going without what is theirs never make the front pages.

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1 minute ago, Mister M said:

I think the point that's being forgotten in a lot of this is that we have a system of social insurance in this country where people who pay into the system are not claiming what is rightfully theirs.

We know from the research that Anna quoted in her opening post, and other research which I have read, is that it is the elderly who are not claiming these benefits. Stigma, not wanting to be seen as a burden, or 'a scrounger' often weighs heavily with many people.

Yes there are people who will claim everything, and even more if they could, and those stories are often very high profile, sometimes making the front pages of newspapers. But 19 Billion is a huge amount of money, and to be fair, the stories of ordinary people going without what is theirs never make the front pages.

Well said,  and that  sums up the situation nicely.

I do think that Anna's point is wasted on the majority who share this forum because you can never get them to understand that people don't fit in their neat little brackets.

When they realise that, not all the poor are scroungers, idle,  or cerebrally challenged, and the better off are not all hard working, clever and the milk of human kindness,  things might change.

Everyone quotes stereotypes and looks down their nose but,  very few do anything without it being  mainly inspired by their looking after themselves.

We did used to have a caring society but that seemed to be thrown out around the 80's and replaced by our present "who cares ? I'm all right"  attitude.

Marcus Rashford was mentioned earlier and scoffed at by one of our male Ena Sharples wannabees, but the bloke honestly cared about hungry kids and spoke out. Great credit to him for that but,

still some will mock because he's got a Rolls Royce.  If anyone does anything that is  "not for self",  they have my respect whilst their detractors have my sympathy for their lack of humanity.


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