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Fargate Redevelopment

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On 06/12/2023 at 20:37, Jim Hardie said:

It’s a local landmark and not everybody below retirement age wants to consign it to history.



I think what you are experiencing Jim is called 'solastalgia'. Nostalgia is the feeling of loss when you move away from somewhere, solastalgia is the feeling of loss when you stay in the same place but it changes around you and it becomes difficult to picture how it used to be. I understand why people would feel that, but I think Sheffield needs to reinvent itself - when I moved here in the year 9 BTMTM* Sheffield was, thanks to the Luftwaffe, an ugly city despite having the Winter Gardens and the Peace Gardens. There was a lot of it that just needed knocking down and rebuilding and although that happened to some extent, it was interrupted by the financial crash of 2007. Quality of life is better when we live in nicer environments - the existing grey-to-green sections, the aforementioned Winter and Peace Gardens, the area around Pounds Park, the new Cambridge Street - these all enhance my well-being when I'm in the city centre and I'm not alone.


The 1960s do sound like a good time to have been alive and young so I don't blame people for looking back fondly on them, but to everyone who came afterwards those buildings just look like shabby concrete boxes that have soaked up far too much late night pish and I'm not sorry to see them go.


*Before They Moved The Market

Edited by Delbow
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18 hours ago, hackey lad said:

Owt happening ?

a wee bit of the new surface has been put down - and opened up to the public - it looks great!


i've heard people moaning about it already - what a ****ing surprise - warning how slippery it'll be in winter.


(despite it being winter, and not slippery)


i think they've dug all the holes that need to be dugged, now *just* a small matter of getting in the utility companies to argue over who needs to sort out all the exposed pipes.

Edited by ads36
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2 hours ago, ads36 said:

a wee bit of the new surface has been put down - and opened up to the public - it looks great!


i've heard people moaning about it already - what a ****ing surprise - warning how slippery it'll be in winter.


(despite it being winter, and not slippery)


i think they've dug all the holes that need to be dugged, now *just* a small matter of getting in the utility companies to argue over who needs to sort out all the exposed pipes.

I walked across it last week in the rain, not in the least bit slippy. And it looks great, as you say.

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