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Fargate Redevelopment

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On 29/06/2024 at 17:04, MickeyDuff said:

I have been to many cities all around the country, Sheffield is one of the worst city centres I’ve seen, in other cities there is a far better police/community police presence, far less drug taking/dealing on the main high street and you can walk into a Lidl without the rancid smell of stale urine greeting you. Sheffield city centre has turned into a cesspool of wasters/beggers/alchaholics/drug takers and dealers over the last few years and it’s only getting worse.  Maybe the council should have a look at Leeds to see how to do it. 

I lived in Leeds for 5 years (and Manchester for 2), and can tell you that Leeds is far worse than Sheffield for beggars, anti social behaviour and an an overall vibe of feeling unsafe.

If you think that Sheffield should look to Leeds with regards to anti social behaviour, then I suggest that you don't know Leeds or Sheffield very well.

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12 minutes ago, Mister M said:

I lived in Leeds for 5 years (and Manchester for 2), and can tell you that Leeds is far worse than Sheffield for beggars, anti social behaviour and an an overall vibe of feeling unsafe.

If you think that Sheffield should look to Leeds with regards to anti social behaviour, then I suggest that you don't know Leeds or Sheffield very well.

Two (or three) wrongs don’t make a right!  I haven’t lived in Leeds or Manchester but have visited a fair few times.  There is certainly anti social behaviour but my impression is that overall they are less run down than Sheffield.  Put it this way; I would and have visited Leeds and  Manchester either for shopping or weekend away but I certainly wouldn’t come to Sheffield to visit the city centre if I didn’t live in Sheffield. There are a few signs of improvement in Sheffield and a few nice areas in town but overall there are too many run down areas to give a good impression overall.

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I know the area I’m talking about quite well, having lived in the area for the last 15 years and have seen it just go down hill. How many replying actually live in that area?
  I’m talking the City centre. As the Posts Title, yes all cities have good and bad area’s. I enjoy Leeds City centre far more than Sheffield’s,  far more and better shops and a far more enjoyable place to walk around, unlike the bottom of Fargate/High Street, HMV, McDonalds, Lidle, Bankers Draft area.

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54 minutes ago, MickeyDuff said:

I’m not interested in Paris. You notice a number of them as that’s where they hang out,  I see it every day and have to walk past them every day, when I talk to my friends most say they don’t go down to that area anymore especially their wives because of the numbers. Hard to avoid or ignore unless you walk around with your head up your ar$e or you’re blinkered to the spice and crack smoking that’s going on. 
 You don’t see this around the Peace Gardens/Cruicable/Barkers Pool, I wonder why?

 That end of the City Centre is in decline, I don’t think the development of the Old Market/Castle area will bring a rapid change to the area, in terms of investment, as  respectable/normal people don’t want to walk down there with their wives or children, it’s that simple.

What about Manchester (Piccadilly Gardens - in the centre) or certain areas in Leeds, Birmingham - cities in England?

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Oh God, this thread has degenerated into a "let's knock Sheffield thread". Yawn, there are plenty of threads trashing Sheffield city centre, why not seek those out, have a whinge together, and leave threads dedicated to something else free of your boring whining?

Better still, go and live in Leeds - might I recommend Gipton and Seacroft. You'll have plenty complain about then.

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On 29/06/2024 at 16:47, Uggy said:

I'm sure it does, but I'm not sure that Sheffield has the vision to make improvements.

Oh, but it already has made improvements to numerous areas of the city. Which proves that people working to improve the city do have the vision to make improvements.


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On 29/06/2024 at 15:47, MickeyDuff said:

Sheffield City centre has turned into a right mess, especially by the new Lidl's/HMV/Bankers Draft area and down towards Victoria Quays. 
 Beggars/dug users sprawled on the street, drug taking/Crack/pipe smoking in full view, Sheffield residents should be embarrassed with that area, if any of them go down there they must see it and see the deterioration of the area. You never see any police walking around even though a 5 minute walk from Snighill police station. Sheffield City centre is an embarrassment. 

I'm more embarrassed by the complete negativity and whining tbh.

If you don't like Sheffield city centre why not go for a walk in the Peak District? Or is that not interesting enough for you?

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1 hour ago, MickeyDuff said:

I know the area I’m talking about quite well, having lived in the area for the last 15 years and have seen it just go down hill. How many replying actually live in that area?
  I’m talking the City centre. As the Posts Title, yes all cities have good and bad area’s. I enjoy Leeds City centre far more than Sheffield’s,  far more and better shops and a far more enjoyable place to walk around, unlike the bottom of Fargate/High Street, HMV, McDonalds, Lidle, Bankers Draft area.


Why don't you actually answer the question that has been asked.  What exactly do you expect the police and council to do about it. Homeless people sleeping in a doorway or people drunk/drugged slumped against a wall aren't crimes that result in people being locked up. 


So, as I said many posts ago, those people who clearly have addictions simply end up being arrested, released and straight back on the streets doing it again.  Exactly the same situation faced in cities all over the world.  


You cannot simply remove the public from public streets just because YOU think they are undesirable. This is not private property. This is not some shopping centre that can chuck people out and lock the doors when they feel like it. 


So why don't you give an actual solution? 


As for the rest of your post, blah blah blah quality shops blah blah blah Leeds is better blah blah blah why are we so behind.


...Heard it all before.    


The only one seemingly with their head up their backside is you. You make it sound like the existence of these people are new to the high street area, never before seen. Well. some of us have actually been around long enough to remember the days of the urine stinking hole in the road or when Castle Market had its galleries which was crack den alley or the old Pond Street bus station with its multiple level shopping arcade filled with weirdos .


I certainly feel the damn sight safer walking down now to visit the bar and food court at Kommune or one of the two new leisure activities opened up or joining the upmarket clientele to go enjoy a drink and a film at the Curzon cinema or return back to one of the many big level hotels that are opened up down there or the visit people in the multiple apartments. 


Do you think all those people are constantly walking around in fear because they happen to walk past some spicehead slumped in the doorway or some homeless guy sleeping on the bench at the tram stop. 


Given some of your comments on here boggles the mind quite frankly why you chose to live there and are still living there 15 years on. 

Edited by ECCOnoob
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30 minutes ago, Mister M said:

I'm more embarrassed by the complete negativity and whining tbh.

If you don't like Sheffield city centre why not go for a walk in the Peak District? Or is that not interesting enough for you?

You obviously don’t live there, so haven’t seen the change and deterioration over the last 5-10 years.

 The Thread is about Fargate, this year nothing but dug up paths, barriers and diversions. Last year the place was full is scaffolding and barriers, go have a look at the quality of shops there if you ever go down that area.

 Is there. M&S in the Peak District, we’re talking about High Streets not places for scenic visits. 

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11 minutes ago, MickeyDuff said:

You obviously don’t live there, so haven’t seen the change and deterioration over the last 5-10 years.

 The Thread is about Fargate, this year nothing but dug up paths, barriers and diversions. Last year the place was full is scaffolding and barriers, go have a look at the quality of shops there if you ever go down that area.

 Is there. M&S in the Peak District, we’re talking about High Streets not places for scenic visits. 

I do live in Sheffield, within 20 minute walking distance of the centre and have done for years. 

Areas change and evolve, especially in city centres - always have done - growth of internet shopping, lockdown, people's incomes, out of town shopping centres have all impacted on how we shop, and city centres are having to evolve - they can't stay in aspic forever.

City centres are now about living as well as shopping. 

The days when you could get dressed up to the nines and wander up and down "Fargate for something to do" are over.

Edited by Mister M
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