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Fargate Redevelopment

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1 minute ago, MickeyDuff said:

You obviously don’t live there, so haven’t seen the change and deterioration over the last 5-10 years.

 The Thread is about Fargate, this year nothing but dug up paths, barriers and diversions. Last year the place was full is scaffolding and barriers, go have a look at the quality of shops there if you ever go down that area.

 Is there. M&S in the Peak District, we’re talking about High Streets not places for scenic visits. 


"Deterioration" in your opinion.  I'd argue that places like Kommune and the gaming museum are far better than an empty abandoned old department store.  I'd argue that converting a historic abandoned bank last used in the 1960s into an upmarket cinema chain is an improvement.  I'd argue that bringing down the hideous stinking concrete monstrosity that was Castle Market and regenerating it into new public space and opening up the linkage between Haymarket and the Quays is an improvement.  I'd argue that transforming Fitzallan Square from a tatty scrub and bus  changeover point with an empty, abandoned post office to convert it into new public square with university buildings and some independent shops is an improvement....


.... But oh no, you had to walk past a spice head slumped in the doorway of Cooplands... and oh no, you had to walk past a couple of drunkards having an argument outside the Bankers Draft so god that's proof everything in decline......🙄


There's a reason for Fargate currently looking like that. Because it's going through major redevelopment something which people just like you have been screaming for this city to do for years. Now they are doing it - they're still bitching about it. 


It may have escaped your attention that shopping habits have dramatically changed over the years and Sheffield always had a problem with its shopping being far too sprawled out.  So very sensibly, they've spent years trying to condense it and replace the old and clearly increasing abandoned bankrupt stores with new viable projects, including, as is happening again in cities across the world, converting into residences.   


There are new quality shops opening up in the city centre right now I'm more on the way if people actually open their eyes.


We also happen to have a major shopping centre right on our doorstep which has been in existence for over 30 years now which is obviously going to have some major impact. 

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46 minutes ago, Mister M said:

I do live in Sheffield, within 20 minute walking distance of the centre and have done for years. 

Areas change and evolve, especially in city centres - always have done - growth of internet shopping, lockdown, people's incomes, out of town shopping centres have all impacted on how we shop, and city centres are having to evolve - they can't stay in aspic forever.

City centres are now about living as well as shopping. 

The days when you could get dressed up to the nines and wander up and down "Fargate for something to do" are over.

As I said you don’t live there, 20 minutes walk is not living in or near the area I’m talking about. 😂😂

Edited by MickeyDuff
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12 hours ago, ECCOnoob said:


"Deterioration" in your opinion.  I'd argue that places like Kommune and the gaming museum are far better than an empty abandoned old department store.  I'd argue that converting a historic abandoned bank last used in the 1960s into an upmarket cinema chain is an improvement.  I'd argue that bringing down the hideous stinking concrete monstrosity that was Castle Market and regenerating it into new public space and opening up the linkage between Haymarket and the Quays is an improvement.  I'd argue that transforming Fitzallan Square from a tatty scrub and bus  changeover point with an empty, abandoned post office to convert it into new public square with university buildings and some independent shops is an improvement....


.... But oh no, you had to walk past a spice head slumped in the doorway of Cooplands... and oh no, you had to walk past a couple of drunkards having an argument outside the Bankers Draft so god that's proof everything in decline......🙄


There's a reason for Fargate currently looking like that. Because it's going through major redevelopment something which people just like you have been screaming for this city to do for years. Now they are doing it - they're still bitching about it. 


It may have escaped your attention that shopping habits have dramatically changed over the years and Sheffield always had a problem with its shopping being far too sprawled out.  So very sensibly, they've spent years trying to condense it and replace the old and clearly increasing abandoned bankrupt stores with new viable projects, including, as is happening again in cities across the world, converting into residences.   


There are new quality shops opening up in the city centre right now I'm more on the way if people actually open their eyes.


We also happen to have a major shopping centre right on our doorstep which has been in existence for over 30 years now which is obviously going to have some major impact. 


The Kommune and the Gaming Museum, places for kids run by kids, not exactly famous new “must see” places to go. You forgot Glory Hole Golf and the new council Skateboard park, covered in graffiti and sleeping drunks. The Grey to Green development, very few people sit around there through the day and few go down there at night.

 Do you honestly think the new open space will attract the masses from Devonshire Green and West Street? Or just create  another area for the drunks and drug users like the Skateboard area?  It’s alright thinking the council is improving the area with these developments, but if they’re not policed right they attract the wrong type.
 Would you walk around that area with your wife and kids after you’ve played with the toys at the Gaming Museum and had a Tofu Burger at the Kommune? I wonder why the area is pretty empty especially at night?

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There were people on here decrying Pounds Park being developed with the same mind set as you.....and its a raging success.

 A new inner city park will be a big winner  for the 10,000 plus people who have moved into the city centre in the last decade.


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4 minutes ago, butlers said:

There were people on here decrying Pounds Park being developed with the same mind set as you.....and its a raging success.

 A new inner city park will be a big winner  for the 10,000 plus people who have moved into the city centre in the last decade.


Completely different in terms of the area it’s situated in, you can’t compare the two locations to be honest, go and have a walk around the Castle gate area, the whole area not just the Kommune where people tend to walk to and then walk back to the Cuty Centre or the hipster Kellam Island area, where people from the South and Manchester are coming into👍

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15 minutes ago, HeHasRisen said:

Kommune is for children and both are run by children? Utter poppycock.

Sorry I should of said Clowns and run by Kids, as most dress like them and are very young😂 “utter poppycock”, that’s a bit “Hooray Henry” 😂

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24 minutes ago, HeHasRisen said:

Kommune is for children and both are run by children? Utter poppycock.

I said Kids, not children, get it right.  Kids as in late teens, twenty somethings👍

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