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Fargate Redevelopment

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3 minutes ago, HeHasRisen said:

Ah so this is just bitterness about younger people isn't it? 


Why didn't you just say so. 

 No, “utter poppycock” as Nice but Dim would say😂

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15 hours ago, MickeyDuff said:

As I said you don’t live there, 20 minutes walk is not living in or near the area I’m talking about. 😂😂

So are you saying that people aren't allowed an opinion unless they live on Fargate?

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Ironically, I walked down Fargate on Saturday about 3pm and it was heaving.


Now, I'm an optimist about Fargate and it's future, but I'm also a realist about it currently being a mess, with very few decent places to visit, given the ongoing extensive building works etc., so I was very surprised to see it that busy.


Having said that, all of town seemed busy on Saturday - The Moor, High Street, Howard Street with loads of people going to and from the station (The Howard and the Red Lion pubs both had large groups outside too - was there some event on)?


I was doing a bit of shopping actually and the only place which was very much not busy or at least had some modest custom was Weekday, one of the relatively new ones in the HSBC office - it was completely dead, and the staff looked positively surprised when I walked in. 

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My experience  is the grey to grey down by the courts its hard to get a seat on working days.

I wandered aroynd the scheme since misery guts Tim whatshisface poated yet another gloom laden youtube epic decrying ALL change going on.

I would like to think he's a comedy persona but I have actualy met him

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19 minutes ago, Mister M said:

So are you saying that people aren't allowed an opinion unless they live on Fargate?

No not at all, but there is a difference how people see things like yourself, that don’t live in the area I’m talking about and may just walk through to go to the Kommune, from people that live down the Castle Gate/Victoria Quays area. The people that live there have seen the decline and are optimistic to what this so called Castlegate green space will bring. We’ve seen the Skateboard zone just turn into a seating area for drunks and drug takers, who are there often if not daily.  We’ve seen the Grey to Green area from Lady’s Bridge little used, a Pollen Market once a month with people who think it’s a lovely place, you don’t see these people down there any other times and never on the evening, you do however see other sorts down there regular. The 2Rivers Cafe near Blonk St bridge, totally renovated but has never opened, maybe they’re waiting for the Green area to be completed. Yes the council have done a good job with the soak areas and they are maintained and look good, but the area is just not used, maybe it needs a better link from the main City Centre/Kallem/Neepsend to get people walking down?

 As I say you get different views of areas if you live there from the occasional visitor. 


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4 hours ago, MickeyDuff said:

The Kommune and the Gaming Museum, places for kids run by kids, not exactly famous new “must see” places to go. You forgot Glory Hole Golf and the new council Skateboard park, covered in graffiti and sleeping drunks. The Grey to Green development, very few people sit around there through the day and few go down there at night.

 Do you honestly think the new open space will attract the masses from Devonshire Green and West Street? Or just create  another area for the drunks and drug users like the Skateboard area?  It’s alright thinking the council is improving the area with these developments, but if they’re not policed right they attract the wrong type.
 Would you walk around that area with your wife and kids after you’ve played with the toys at the Gaming Museum and had a Tofu Burger at the Kommune? I wonder why the area is pretty empty especially at night?


The language in this post.   Absolutely reeks of bitterness, silly old fart syndrome who doesn't like change and dismisses everything is just for the "youth".  Given the sorts of crowd I have seen in places like Kommune, Curzon, NVGM and Hygge it certainly is not just for the 'tweenagers'.    You really do seem to be very narrow minded.  Have you actually been to some of these places right on your doorstep?  


Heard it all before. Same old whines.  Same old complaints. Same old predictions about what will be doomed to fail.  Yet these things are still here 4+ 5+ 6+ years on.   Who wants to live down there, they all screamed but apartments are still selling with great demand attracting prices up to £80-90k for a studio up to as much as £230k for a two bed all within 1/4 of a square mile of your condemned High Street and Castlegate Area. 


Given the fact that you yourself still live there and have done for the past 15 years, you cannot be that put off.   Maybe, as I suspect, you just like to whine. 


You once again bang on about the "wrong type of people" and policing but once again completely fail to answer my now repeated question about what exactly you expect the police and council to do with them?    You cannot jail people for sleeping in a doorway or drunkedly sprawling about on the grass.  


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58 minutes ago, ECCOnoob said:


The language in this post.   Absolutely reeks of bitterness, silly old fart syndrome who doesn't like change and dismisses everything is just for the "youth".  Given the sorts of crowd I have seen in places like Kommune, Curzon, NVGM and Hygge it certainly is not just for the 'tweenagers'.    You really do seem to be very narrow minded.  Have you actually been to some of these places right on your doorstep?  


Heard it all before. Same old whines.  Same old complaints. Same old predictions about what will be doomed to fail.  Yet these things are still here 4+ 5+ 6+ years on.   Who wants to live down there, they all screamed but apartments are still selling with great demand attracting prices up to £80-90k for a studio up to as much as £230k for a two bed all within 1/4 of a square mile of your condemned High Street and Castlegate Area. 


Given the fact that you yourself still live there and have done for the past 15 years, you cannot be that put off.   Maybe, as I suspect, you just like to whine. 


You once again bang on about the "wrong type of people" and policing but once again completely fail to answer my now repeated question about what exactly you expect the police and council to do with them?    You cannot jail people for sleeping in a doorway or drunkedly sprawling about on the grass.  


I go for a Coffee at the Kommune and Hygge quite often, why would I want to play kids arcade games, I did that on holidays years ago when I was a kid??

 I take it the places you mentioned is as far as you go. Go and have a walk around the whole area through the day and at night, you may see it differently away from the hipster trendy small part you go to. I take you also go to the Pollen Market once a month for a day out?

 Yes people are buying property mainly as investment not to live in, lots of people from the South and Manchester buying up the property, not many born in Sheffield from what I see👍

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3 hours ago, MickeyDuff said:

I go for a Coffee at the Kommune and Hygge quite often, why would I want to play kids arcade games, I did that on holidays years ago when I was a kid??

 I take it the places you mentioned is as far as you go. Go and have a walk around the whole area through the day and at night, you may see it differently away from the hipster trendy small part you go to. I take you also go to the Pollen Market once a month for a day out?

 Yes people are buying property mainly as investment not to live in, lots of people from the South and Manchester buying up the property, not many born in Sheffield from what I see👍

I think this is it.  Some people visit select areas at select times and think they know the area well.  Now that’s nice if they can avoid the less positive aspects of the city centre but doesn’t mean they don’t exist.  I don’t think most people with concerns about the city centre are raising them to be negative or because they are a miserable old fart who likes moaning and resents developments for young people. It is actually just quite depressing to see parts of town so run down and problems with ant social behaviour being allowed to get worse.  Parts of town have indeed improved but that doesn’t mean there isn’t still very much to do!

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