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Illegal Number Plates To Receive Penalty Points

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The Vehicle Registration Offences Penalty Points Bill.

Currently in parliament and scheduled for it's 2nd reading on 27th November 2023.

The bill proposes that drivers displaying illegal number plates (altered spacing, fonts etc) will receive penalty points & possible disqualification as well as the current fine.


Personally I think 3 points should be the upper limit. The bill proposes 3-11 points & a possible ban from driver is a bit too far. If 3 points is per plate then they're getting 6 anyway so a 2nd offence will see them banned via totting up anyway.

Most of the time altered plates are "private" plates anyway so I'd make part of the penalty the loss of the plate, costs of re-registering with the original & a 5 year ban on owning a private registration


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31 minutes ago, HeHasRisen said:

No issues with the deterrents being suggested tbf, they know the plates are illegal and are clearly swapping them over for the MOT, so there isnt any ignorance here.

Spotted one last week in Town..



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18 minutes ago, RollingJ said:

Can't see anything wrong with that??:huh:

Uxxx xxx was missed out when the new system came in, from what I have found. So maybe he means that, its an invalid plate number.


See the answer to the first question here - https://dvlaregistrations.dvla.gov.uk/help/?id=STYLE_REG_FOR_SALE#style_reg

Edited by HeHasRisen
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