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Would Sheffield Survive Without Motoring Offences?

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5 hours ago, HumbleNarrator said:

In sheffield? 

Not necessarily, but if the government chooses not to shift that money to the council where they are studying, that's hardly the fault of the students.

5 hours ago, Mr Bloke said:

Oh dear!
More rubbish... :hihi:

... so WHY don't THEY have to pay on their second "home" just like everyone else? :roll:

How much council tax do people who work away from home and stay in digs in the week pay to the council where they work, so exactly the same situation. Answer - nothing.

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5 hours ago, Jack Grey said:

That's 60,000 people in Sheffield that's not paying council tax 


On top of all the benefits scroungers 


Car owners have to make up for all those shortfalls

Anyone earning enough and generally paying enough in taxation to be a net contributor to the economy will be making up any shortfall.


I imagine some of those lower earners who are most definitely not net contributors will be amongst those bleating on here about students and council tax.

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20 hours ago, Ashcroft said:

If every driver in Sheffield stuck to the law, What would replace the money in fines? Or even motoring  in general as there seems to be a lot of income from the motorist.

As one of the drivers who sticks to the rules, never speeds, always drives with care and attention, is courteous to other road users and almost never parks in Disabled Bays I honestly wouldn't know. 

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On 15/07/2023 at 17:39, The_DADDY said:

As one of the drivers who sticks to the rules, never speeds, always drives with care and attention, is courteous to other road users and almost never parks in Disabled Bays I honestly wouldn't know. 

Show me a driver that claims they never speed, always follows the rules and always has full attention on the road and using a mirror I'll show you a liar.

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1 minute ago, Resident said:

Show me a driver that claims they never speed, always follows the rules and always has full attention on the road and using a mirror I'll show you a liar.

Please don't judge others by your own poor standards.


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3 minutes ago, The_DADDY said:

Please don't judge others by your own poor standards.


So you don't ever:

converse with anyone in your car,

you don't have the radio on,

you don't see a nice car driving by and think 'hmm nice car'?

see someone arguing or scraping at the side of the road and take a glance,
creep over the limit even by 1mph
stopped for a moment on a double yellow or fail to clear a keep clear/hatched area


Of course you do, because EVERY driver does. It's impossible not to. 

Again, anyone who claims they don't is a liar or worse, delusional. 

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8 minutes ago, Resident said:

So you don't ever:

converse with anyone in your car,

you don't have the radio on,

you don't see a nice car driving by and think 'hmm nice car'?

see someone arguing or scraping at the side of the road and take a glance,
creep over the limit even by 1mph
stopped for a moment on a double yellow or fail to clear a keep clear/hatched area


Of course you do, because EVERY driver does. It's impossible not to. 

Again, anyone who claims they don't is a liar or worse, delusional. 

My bold

Do have have any evidence of this or are you just assume others do this?

Sounds like you need a retest if you are so easily distracted.

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