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They are but most of them, because of state control,  accept what Putin tells them.   Basically it's just the leader and his cronies who are the problem.

It would be nice to be back in the relaxed days when Gorbachev was in charge and he and Thatcher had quite a cordial relationship.

Unfortunately the politicians and their advisors got things badly wrong by expanding our influence eastwards and  prodding the bear more and more.

If there had been a proper written treaty after WW2,  maybe things would be better but we allowed what bit of trust they had to dissipate.

What is more disconcerting is the number of other countries who lean towards Russia rather than the West and this could be problematic if the balloon were to go up.

Our foreign policy has always been a mess and  we are reaping the dividends now.

Fallings out between countries are always the result of the leaders and never the people.  Ordinary people want their sons by their sides and not away fighting wars.


Edited by Organgrinder
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3 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:

They are but most of them, because of state control,  accept what Putin tells them. 


Unlike us in the west eh? 

We would NEVER take what our government and msm tell us on face value without looking into it for ourselves now would we?


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2 minutes ago, The_DADDY said:

Unlike us in the west eh? 

We would NEVER take what our government and msm tell us on face value without looking into it for ourselves now would we?


Some will and some won't as always.

We have  free from government control news channels so we are a bit harder to  lie to than the Russian people.

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Just now, The_DADDY said:

My god you are so naive. 🙄

So are you but you're daft with it too when you bring all your conspiracy theories out for an airing.

Do you know all the BBC newsreaders are told what to say or they will be shot. 

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27 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:

So are you but you're daft with it too


Don't you ever get tired of insulting people?


28 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:


Do you know all the BBC newsreaders are told what to say or they will be shot. 

Probably not shot. But they could be threatened they'll be outed as pedos and pervs if they don't toe the line. After all, The BBC has plenty of form. 

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Just now, The_DADDY said:

Don't you ever get tired of insulting people?


I'd rathe debate with them but often find that some are just not up to it and want to get personal.

You could try talking about the subject instead of me

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