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Imf : Education Lost To Covid Will 'Scar World For Years'

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On 18/07/2023 at 19:23, Organgrinder said:

I notice the Covid deniers are getting fewer and fewer lately.

Don't know whether Covid's  got them or whether they've finally realised that everyone else was right after all.

Crafty dodge  using an education thread when the Covid  thread's shut down.

You can shut down a discussion, Orgy, but you can't shut down the truth.


Not for long, anyways!  :)


They tried, and failed!


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On 18/07/2023 at 17:27, Delayed said:

Please save yourself the time and let him ramble away to himself. 


Unfortunately you won't get through to him 

Might I suggest that those who accuse Checkov of continually bringing up Covid put him on ignore instead of answering his posts.



Edited by cressida
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4 hours ago, cressida said:

Might I suggest that those who accuse Checkov of continually bringing up Covid put him on ignore instead of answering his posts.

They won't do that Cress because what really gets to them is what I am saying. They want everyone to forget about what happened to society during Covid and they do not want my posts to go unanswered, even if their "answers" rarely contain any cited facts.


On 19/07/2023 at 00:23, Organgrinder said:

I notice the Covid deniers are getting fewer and fewer lately.

Don't know whether Covid's  got them or whether they've finally realised that everyone else was right after all.

Crafty dodge  using an education thread when the Covid  thread's shut down.

What is your definition of a Covid denier ?

To me that would be someone who denies Covid ever existed and I have never met one of these people.


 >>everyone else was right after all<<


I assume you mean people who supported suppressing society for a virus (which 99% of people were surviving) were "right". If you really think that I suggest you open your mind.

Do you do much reading on this subject ?

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Quote Chekhov:  They won't do that Cress because what really gets to them is what I am saying. They want everyone to forget about what happened to society during Covid and they do not want my posts to go unanswered, even if their "answers" rarely contain any cited facts.




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7 hours ago, cressida said:

Quote Chekhov:  They won't do that Cress because what really gets to them is what I am saying. They want everyone to forget about what happened to society during Covid and they do not want my posts to go unanswered, even if their "answers" rarely contain any cited facts.




Chekhov must be joking.     Only facts to cite is that Chekhov's obsessed and needs to see someone.

The rest of us are back to normal.

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RJRB said : So it’s just in the field of virology that you believe that you know better than those who have studied the subject.

Apparently also computer modelling which considers numerous factors and models a number of outcomes.

It may well be that worst case scenarios were given more consideration because to ignore them would be irresponsible.

Your usual list of the shortcomings contains a number of “could “

The other possibility would be to consider the least threatening outcomes in which case the approach would be to accept the herd immunity approach from the onset.

That was obviously the view of some ,but pretty quickly was dismissed although it did lead to widespread criticism of the slow response by Johnson and Co.


>>Apparently also computer modelling which considers numerous factors and models a number of outcomes.<<


As I cited here, they knew at the time that "computer modelling" was basically educated guesswork, no more.


>>That was obviously the view of some ,but pretty quickly was dismissed although it did lead to widespread criticism of the slow response by Johnson and Co.<<


Only by people who don't know what they're talking about. The UK did as well as mots other nations, in fact better than some who had even more draconian suppression of society :


Covid deaths per million (though not all will actually have died of Covid, particularly since spring 2021, and even more so since early 2022) - data to 14 Dec 22


Peru = 6463 (0.65%)
Hungary = 5036
Czech Republic = 3910
USA = 3320  av age 38.1
Greece = 3342
Brazil = 3211
Poland = 3137
Italy = 3027
UK = 2887
Belgium = 2840
Spain = 2492
France = 2441
Sweden = 2075
Germany = 1903


>>Your usual list of the shortcomings contains a number of “could “<<


Funny how the use of the word "could" was not given much significance when the government was using the pronouncements by these "experts warnings" to suppress us all....


>>The other possibility would be to consider the least threatening outcomes in which case the approach would be to accept the herd immunity approach from the onset.<<


I am not sure what you mean by the "herd immunity approach". The choice was always between general suppression of all of society to try to suppress Covid, or (because Covid was  very discriminate) targeted shielding. As it happens most vulnerable people I know were shielding themselves anyway, so, one wonders, how much did generalised suppression of society actually achieve anyway ?

Your point about "least threatening outcome" reflects modern society. An over cautious approach which ignores (or downplays) the fact we are supposed to live in a free country, and also the damage the measures inflict.

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Computer modelling or educated guesswork is not to be discounted or would you prefer uneducated guesswork.

It might come up with the same answer,but just like the old maths exams you need to show your workings.

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6 minutes ago, RJRB said:

Computer modelling or educated guesswork is not to be discounted or would you prefer uneducated guesswork.

It might come up with the same answer,but just like the old maths exams you need to show your workings.

Everyone making predictions on what would happen was using a model.


For some of them it involved transparent documentation about assumptions for the values of the many many variables that would affect the outcome, and evaluating collective risk, (because the outcomes would depend to a large degree on how many fell ill at the same time).


For some others, their undocumented mental models seemed to be based only on what was consistent with their core beliefs at the start of the pandemic, and considered only individual risk, amongst other shortcomings.

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