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Privatise The Nhs?

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2 hours ago, Jack Grey said:

Also when they get permission to stay in this country they can then apply to bring their families over which generally includes elderly relatives like a mother or father


Maybe who have had no access to medical care so it's like Christmas when they get here 


Heart surgery, hip replacements, cancer treatment....all free on the NHS


Also there are a lot from the African regions who need to be treated for HIV which costs the NHS over £25,000 a year for the rest of their lives 

They can apply for family members but it's notoriously difficult visa route for elderly relatives. So the UK isn't the world's care home. 


And of course anyone entering the UK is not entitled to free NHS treatment like the rest of us. 


They have to pay for their treatment and a high rate..

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1 hour ago, Baron99 said:

Lest we forget your posting on the 'Climate Change' thread where you openly stated that you were a 'Dimwit'.  Since then I've seen litter in the way of wit but plenty of dim in your postings. 


Other posters take note.    He doesn't really bring anything to any debate only a modicum of stupidity that he's happy to admit. 


Note: You can find the word 'modicum' under 'M' in the dictionary if that helps?  Your welcome. 


You do sound a clever lad. 

 I wonder if you have something to say regarding the subject of the thread rather than a poster.

Would you like to discuss the NHS ?

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2 hours ago, Organgrinder said:

You don't seem to realise that it's them who have to be satisfied with their pay and not you, and it's them who decide whether the pay is adequate.

Makes you wonder why they are all so keen to leave then,  doesn't it   Do you have a explanation ?

Besides doctors and nurses, the NHS needs lots of staff.  The care assistants in hospitals actually do most of the work that qualified nurses used to do.

If their pay  is not adequate,  they won't stay either.

I know you are just worrying about your taxes but I manage to pay them without  blubbering, so what's up with you ?


they clearly are, otherwise they'd have left to pastures new, so you don't need to constantly bang that drum for them anymore

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1 hour ago, Jack Grey said:

He's on my ignore list


The guy is a buffoon 

Such a shame but old jack's got fed up of being shot down so the only answer is ignore.

That's absolutely fine.    Remember the other posters can still see both sides of the discussion.

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1 hour ago, Baron99 said:

Lest we forget your posting on the 'Climate Change' thread where you openly stated that you were a 'Dimwit'.  Since then I've seen litter in the way of wit but plenty of dim in your postings. 


Other posters take note.    He doesn't really bring anything to any debate only a modicum of stupidity that he's happy to admit. 


Note: You can find the word 'modicum' under 'M' in the dictionary if that helps?  Your welcome. 


I really do find these personal attacks on posters extremely rude, tiresome and unnecessary. 

Not that Organgrinder needs me to defend him, he is very capable of addressing the issues and a decent debate. 

Edited by Anna B
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12 minutes ago, fools said:

they clearly are, otherwise they'd have left to pastures new, so you don't need to constantly bang that drum for them anymore

Please explain then, why we have such a shortage of,  Doctors, Nurses, care workers and other ancillary staff,  not to mention dentists for NHS patients.

You seem to think they are clearly satisfied ????????????????

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10 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:

Please explain then, why we have such a shortage of,  Doctors, Nurses, care workers and other ancillary staff,  not to mention dentists for NHS patients.

You seem to think they are clearly satisfied ????????????????

please explain why there are circa 1.5 million employed by the nhs, a 4.2 increase on last years figures, if the pay and conditions are so abysmal.


don't like the money, off you trot.


there's a shortage everywhere, maybe it's something to do with the millions not working combined with importing millions from overseas, and the awful lack of efficiency apparent in every service, especially now wfh has become commonplace,


as for dentists, stop forcing them to do unnecessary checkups, and suddenly they have time to treat more patients, it's not hard.

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20 minutes ago, Anna B said:

I really do find these personal attacks on posters extremely rude, tiresome and unnecessary. 

Not that Organgrinder needs me to defend him, he is very capable of addressing the issues and a decent debate. 

have you read his posts?

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15 minutes ago, fools said:

please explain why there are circa 1.5 million employed by the nhs, a 4.2 increase on last years figures, if the pay and conditions are so abysmal.


don't like the money, off you trot.


there's a shortage everywhere, maybe it's something to do with the millions not working combined with the awful lack of efficiency


as for dentists, stop forcing them to do unnecessary checkups, and suddenly they have time to treat more patients, it's not hard.

The governments problem is that there are staff shortages, throughout the NHS and the care sector,  which they cannot fill.

Arguing about the numbers they employ has nothing at all to do with that.

        Do you deny that there are massive staff shortages in the NHS and care sectors and, do you deny  that the government has had recruitment problems for a good while ?

When you've explained that away,  tell us the usual strategy to overcome recruitment problems.  CLUE:  There are 2 and the government is doing none of them ( except for talk about it )

The dental checkups are to save more work and cost at a later date.    Everyone except you,  has heard of preventative medicine.


15 minutes ago, Al Bundy said:




Would you like to discuss the NHS ?

Edited by Organgrinder
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