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Privatise The Nhs?

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5 hours ago, cuttsie said:

Privatisations, no buses , no steel works , no pits  , and if the NHS  goes the same way no health care for poor people, Those with Good incomes , pensions and inherited wealth are just a gang of "I'm alright Jacks and sod the rest.

As some one who has just had cancer treatment at the wonderful Western Park hospital I can honestly say I was treated brilliantly , There is no way I could have paid for it in a million years .

Spot on as per usual. 🤙

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10 hours ago, Jack Grey said:

But wouldn't it be better if something other than politicians were held accountable for performance and budgets


It's time to take the NHS out of politics

So you think it's not accountable and it should be performing better, with more funding?

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Will it have to make a profit for shareholders if the NHS was privatised?  

I can’t see how privatisation of the NHS will take it out of politics. Political parties will be shouting, vote for us at the next general election and we will bring the privatised NHS back under government control. 

I’m all in favour of reducing waste in the NHS but not privatising it. At some stage with an increasing population and people living longer government will need to look seriously about how to fund the NHS and I have no idea how that can be done. 


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2 hours ago, El Cid said:

So you think it's not accountable and it should be performing better, with more funding?

And more to the point how does privatising it make it more accountable?

That makes it less accountable, and only answerable to its sharholders

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6 minutes ago, Mister M said:

And more to the point how does privatising it make it more accountable?

That makes it less accountable, and only answerable to its sharholders

Not sure Jack has thought this through.


How would it paid a subsription channel, since you just need an arial? I think that could happen in the future, if its possible to make is subscription via online.

But that would cut out all those users that dont have good broadband and the elderly would need help in setting it up.


Recent research by Ofcom has discovered that the proportion of UK homes without the internet has fallen from 11% to 6% between March 2020 and March 2021. This is a significant reduction, but it still means that around 1.5 million UK homes are without the internet.

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13 hours ago, Jack Grey said:

It's awesome 


But wouldn't it be better if something other than politicians were held accountable for performance and budgets

Who would be accountable for public health, medical training, social care, community care. 

The NHS is a lot more than KPIs and budgets

13 hours ago, Jack Grey said:


The left love the NHS because when it fails they can blame politicians and when it's successful they can praise the doctors and nurses 

I love the NHS because it is a national wide service based on need, not ability to pay, and ideally funded through progressive taxation. That's why you hate it.

13 hours ago, Jack Grey said:


It's time to take the NHS out of politics


Your thoughts?

How do you take the politics out of the NHS? Privatising it, like all other former utilities and public businesses, and put right wing politicians in top jobs, seamlessly from the HoC into the boardroom? No chance.

Health is inextricably tied up with society and politics, ranging from access to healthcare, the environment, housing, wider behaviours of the population, inequalities in society, food policies, access to green spaces, polution etc etc.

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The  OP has started the thread to blame the lefties for the state of the NHS.

He conveniently forgets that the NHS has been suffering cut backs from the very start of Cameron's austerity program.

They may be pouring more money in now but the damage has already been done and staff morale is at rock bottom which means that many leave.

If he doesn't want the Tories taking the blame,  he needs to tell them to look after it properly. 

It was a successful and publicly acclaimed, NHS when Labour left it.   Now it needs massive reorganisation and staff shortages solving to rebuild it.

Righty's fault,  not Lefty's   but Grey is obsessed with Lefty's.  As for privatisation,  just look around at how successful that's been. 

Edited by Organgrinder
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