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Seattle Public Schools Will Offer 'Gender Affirming Care'.

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.....to students as young as 11 years old at no cost - as critics say it's a 'whole new level of awful for schools to be involved'

Schools in Seattle are offering free 'gender affirming care' to students as young as 11, a prominent parental rights organization has found.


Documents obtained by Parents Defending Education (PDE) this week reveal health centers at Meany Middle School and Nova High School are allowing students to 'conveniently' seek the treatment on-site and for free..

Nova Wellness's website does not specify what is meant by 'gender-affirming care'. The provider for the two centers, Country Doctor Community Health Centers (CDCHC) claims to offer hormone therapy and sex-change surgeries for adolescents.

The facility's self-professed 'mission', according to its website, 'is to promote health in transgender, non-binary and gender diverse communities through ensuring equal access to gender-affirming medications and procedures.' 


Erika Sanzi, PDE director of outreach, fumed about schools being involved in gender affirming care for children. 




If this is true isn't this taking things a bit far?

A school should be a place of learning not indoctrination. 


Your thoughts?

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Incidentally, what happened to that story about a school kid who identified as a cat?

At one point there was a flurry of activity on here about that, including media reports of the school  “taking children who identify as horses out cantering and feeding strips of meat to those who consider themselves to be dinosaurs"!

Kemi Badenoch demanded that Ofsted went into the school and observe what was going on....


Ofsted duly marched in to the school, and sadly for Badenoch, they gave Rye College a clean bill of health, with inspectors praising its “culture of kindness” as well as its handling of relationship and sex education.

Bah humbug!


Edited by Mister M
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6 hours ago, Mister M said:

Incidentally, what happened to that story about a school kid who identified as a cat? ...

The issue there, for anyone other than tabloid provocateurs and those who wanted to believe them for reasons many and varied, was not the nonsense about children identifying as various domesticated animals (the girl was clearly using that as a bit of incredulous hyperbole); the issue was with the teacher's apparent insistence, in the recording, that the pupil who questioned what she was being taught should go to a different school.


I would look up the details of the argument I proposed then, but someone cried to the mod about similar questioning of ideology and the thread vanished in a puff of finger-wagging righteous indignation.


ETA: Link.


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7 hours ago, The_DADDY said:

... Your thoughts?

A lot of that article is 'here's what this place does, but we've no idea if it applies to schools but we're going to describe it in detail anyway'.

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11 hours ago, Zinger549 said:

You have too much time on your hands and you need to get out more 😁.  It's an article in the Mail so probably best to take it with a pinch of salt.

Hes a troll its how he gets his kicks, posts controversial articles, sets us up arguing and sits back laughing

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1 hour ago, melthebell said:

Hes a troll its how he gets his kicks, posts controversial articles, sets us up arguing and sits back laughing

If that's the case and it's something you keep repeating so I assume you believe it to be true then that makes you one of the dumbest posters on sf because you keep falling for a 'trolls' threads and posting on them.

DESPITE the fact you're certain I'm a troll..


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2 minutes ago, The_DADDY said:

If that's the case and it's something you keep repeating so I assume you believe it to be true then that makes you one of the dumbest posters on sf because you keep falling for a 'trolls' threads and posting on them.

DESPITE the fact you're certain I'm a troll..


not falling for anything, simply "outing" you, i havent fallen in to a trolls trap of arguing for the trolls fun

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