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John Lewis Boss Calls For Abusing Shop Workers To Be An Offence

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5 minutes ago, Al Bundy said:



There are two more videos and it will come as no surprise that the nasty blokes are white and the good guys are not.


Imagine it being the other way around.



Oh, found another one, well knock me down with a feather, the white man is the bad guy again....





He said on twitter and I quote "there is no good reason" why white people should have good jobs. He actually said that. He is a racist. He needs to be relieved of his position. There are an abundance of anti-white slurs in media that aren't being picked up on. Those people on Twitter who made remarks in the World Cup last year were arrested within 24 hours, so why are we seeing no consequences for anti-white racism?

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12 minutes ago, Irene Swaine said:

He said on twitter and I quote "there is no good reason" why white people should have good jobs. He actually said that. He is a racist. He needs to be relieved of his position. There are an abundance of anti-white slurs in media that aren't being picked up on. Those people on Twitter who made remarks in the World Cup last year were arrested within 24 hours, so why are we seeing no consequences for anti-white racism?

Slowly folk are waking up and realising it's all one way.

The tide is turning.


I use Facebook quite often for business reasons and obviously I have feeds and news articles that I read, mostly current affairs and political news.

Especially over the past couple of years I've noticed the change in attitudes of folk in the comments section when the nature of discussion is about sexism and racism. 


There used to be a general sympathetic view regarding these discussions but now it's more and more folk who are waking up and realising it's just one sided propaganda and folk are fed up of it all and fighting back, especially the attitude of men when it comes to the sexism and equality issue.


In a nutshell, I guarantee there will be less men wanting to be gentlemen towards ladies, holding open doors, helping them with heavy shopping, paying on first dates etc.

It's not worth the hassle we get.



Edited by Al Bundy
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22 minutes ago, Al Bundy said:



There are two more videos and it will come as no surprise that the nasty blokes are white and the good guys are not.


Imagine it being the other way around.



Oh, found another one, well knock me down with a feather, the white man is the bad guy again....





Hmmm... :huh:

Actually, having watched those videos, there's an argument to suggest that they've deliberately done it that way to have a bigger "appeal".

With the influx of "visitors" from foreign parts who have a different understanding of women's rights, then it needs to get the message across...

... and if the roles had been reversed, then I think it may well have been seen negatively by it's intended audience and have less of the desired effect!

Your thoughts? :|

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8 minutes ago, Mr Bloke said:

Hmmm... :huh:

Actually, having watched those videos, there's an argument to suggest that they've deliberately done it that way to have a bigger "appeal".

With the influx of "visitors" from foreign parts who have a different understanding of women's rights, then it needs to get the message across...

... and if the roles had been reversed, then I think it may well have been seen negatively by it's intended audience and have less of the desired effect!

Your thoughts? :|



Not asking that roles be reversed, just mix it up a bit eh?

Otherwise it comes across as being extremely racist.



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5 hours ago, Irene Swaine said:

Sadiq Khan is an idiot. He has just agreed to withdraw the day travelcards on buses and Underground services, something that will deter tourists from our Capital. I cannot stand the weasel. 

Yes, he is Irene Swaine, but this is why:




'It is a requirement of our funding settlement with Government – a deal that was required solely because of the impact of the pandemic – for us to deliver considerable savings and generate significant amounts of new additional income. The Mayor has been clear that the withdrawal of Day Travelcards is not something he would be considering were it not for the requirements of the funding deal.'


You appear to be a prime candidate for the 'Never let the truth get in the way of a good story' school of journalism.

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5 minutes ago, BigPP said:

Yes, he is Irene Swaine, but this is why:




'It is a requirement of our funding settlement with Government – a deal that was required solely because of the impact of the pandemic – for us to deliver considerable savings and generate significant amounts of new additional income. The Mayor has been clear that the withdrawal of Day Travelcards is not something he would be considering were it not for the requirements of the funding deal.'


You appear to be a prime candidate for the 'Never let the truth get in the way of a good story' school of journalism.

That C&P is a load of, shall we say, bovine excreta. TfL  have been losing £billions for years prior to the pandemic, and are still losing £billions.

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17 minutes ago, BigPP said:

Yes, he is Irene Swaine, but this is why:




'It is a requirement of our funding settlement with Government – a deal that was required solely because of the impact of the pandemic – for us to deliver considerable savings and generate significant amounts of new additional income. The Mayor has been clear that the withdrawal of Day Travelcards is not something he would be considering were it not for the requirements of the funding deal.'


You appear to be a prime candidate for the 'Never let the truth get in the way of a good story' school of journalism.

I have already read that Email. I am not sure how withdrawing a day explorer ticket, thus alienating visitors to the city cuts costs. It could see a decline in revenue. Show me where in the Email it says he had to SPECIFICALLY withdraw day cards and I will show you a lie.


He's a muppet.

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27 minutes ago, Irene Swaine said:

I have already read that Email. I am not sure how withdrawing a day explorer ticket, thus alienating visitors to the city cuts costs. It could see a decline in revenue. Show me where in the Email it says he had to SPECIFICALLY withdraw day cards and I will show you a lie.


He's a muppet.

Suggest some alternatives

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9 hours ago, Organgrinder said:

>>Chekhov said:
Ah, so the "victim" gets to decide if it's an assault.

That sounds eminently fair and reasonable (not).

Basically if battery is what I would consider assault, then assault must be something and nothing<<


That's exactly how it should be.

I suppose you would want the accused person to decide, as in some one accused of speeding in a car,  is the one who decides whether they were speeding or not.

Of  course it should be down to the victim to decide.

If you don't like that,  then behave yourself,   and don't turn someone into a victim.

Absolute cobblers.

The law should never be defined by a victim, or any other one person. 


>>If you don't like that,  then behave yourself,   and don't turn someone into a victim.<<


That's the whole point of this thread and "Modern life is rubbish" for that matter.

The definition of "bad behaviour" is expanding all the time and many people do not like it. We are developing into a world of cotton wool wimps where nobody can say or do anything without offending someone, a victims society. That's not any sort of a world I want, it sounds anodyne in the extreme.

Why the hell do people want to see themselves as victims anyway ? It's pathetic.

My solution is for people to develop some backbone. It's normal to  get upset sometimes, expect it, don't go running away from it all the time because when you do get upset it will be all the worse for you.


8 hours ago, Prettytom said:

It seems much more fair and reasonable than allowing the perpetrator to decide.

Or a random, uninformed bloke on the internet.

Letting the perpetrator decide would be just as unacceptable as letting the victim decide, where have I suggested other wise ?

See above.


>>Or a random, uninformed bloke on the internet.<<


This is about opinions, therefore being informed or otherwise is irrelevant.

Edited by Chekhov
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