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John Lewis Boss Calls For Abusing Shop Workers To Be An Offence

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7 minutes ago, HeHasRisen said:

Surely it depends. Have to be careful what you say in an airport. 

Like what ? We are talking about customers venting their frustration at staff. If you work with the public you should be able to take the rough with the smooth (and even more so if in a management or "team leader" position), or get another job.

Edited by Chekhov
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28 minutes ago, Chekhov said:

Like what ? We are talking about customers venting their frustration at staff. If you work with the public you should be able to take the rough with the smooth (and even more so if in a management or "team leader" position), or get another job.

How about if they said "put me on a flight or I will bomb the airport"? Is that acceptable? 


Go into an airport and say the word bomb in a threatening sentence to a member of staff and see how you get on. 

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17 minutes ago, HeHasRisen said:

How about if they said "put me on a flight or I will bomb the airport"? Is that acceptable? 

Go into an airport and say the word bomb in a threatening sentence to a member of staff and see how you get on. 

It wouldn't bother me in the least as it would be obvious to anyone with more than two brain cells they weren't being serious.


>>Go into an airport and say the word bomb in a threatening sentence to a member of staff and see how you get on.<<


I have no doubt they'd over react. 

What is the chances that an irate passenger just happens to have a bomb secreted about his person to use whenever check in staff annoy him ? Err, as close to zero as it is possible to get without actually being zero ?

And even if he has happened to remember his bomb and put it in his inside pocket that morning how would he get it on the plane ?

Lastly, if someone was planning on bombing a plane, why would they tell the airport they were flying from ?


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20 minutes ago, HeHasRisen said:

Oh dear. 

The implication of Irene's post is correct : knowledge of business and the right attitude to customers.


The basis of my business is the sale of TV & FM aerials and associated products. I admit I have diversified a bit of late, but the fact I am still in business (one of the very few  - possibly the only - specialist TV aerial retailer still going) when the sales of my core products have suffered a catastrophic decline, shows my attitude to customer service is pretty much unparalleled. To me the customer is my boss and the idea I would ever ban a customer for some cobblers micro aggression would never even enter my head.

Edited by Chekhov
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2 minutes ago, Chekhov said:

The implication of Irene's post is correct : knowledge of business and the right attitude to customers.


The basis of my business is the sale of TV & FM aerials and associated products. I admit I have diversified a bit of late, but the fact I am still in business (one of the very few  - possibly the only - specialist TV aerial retailer still going) when the sales of my core products have suffered a catastrophic decline, shows my attitude to customer service is pretty much unparalleled. To me the customer is my boss and the idea I would ever ban a customer for some cobblers micro aggression would never even enter my head.

Do you think businesses with staff want to put their staff in constant conflict with morons who are happy to go into their shops and make threats etc? 


As you are your own boss you can make any decision you like about what you wish to subject yourself to. 

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