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John Lewis Boss Calls For Abusing Shop Workers To Be An Offence

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2 minutes ago, Mister M said:

Apologies if this has already been posted, however it's been reported that Tescos are offering staff bodycams due to the massive rise in threats, violence and abuse that shop workers have to deal with on a daily basis:

Tesco staff offered body cameras over crime fears - BBC News


Good. The sooner society stamps out the scourge of people who think they can treat people like rubbish the better as far as I'm concerned.

I'd go one step further and have those found to engage in abusive or violent behaviour, all over the local newspapers. So it will act as a deterrent.

There seems to be a correlation here. You see, Tesco used to employ a calibre of staff with excellent customer service skills, who were polite, welcoming, attentive and pleasant. Over recent years, it seems they employ anyone, and some right miserable so and sos as well. These days, a lot of them just grunt at you and a please and a thank you are a distant memory. Isn't it funny how the places that give the worst customer service are issuing these notices/going to these measures?!!

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6 minutes ago, HeHasRisen said:

No no no. Customers should have the right to go into Tesco and scream in the faces of staff. Apparently. 

I was just listening to LBC, and they were discussing what shop workers were facing - One shop worker who said that he "expects to be abused every day" reported empty shopping bags chucked in his face and told by customers to "fill them".  What kind of entitled scrubber behaves like that? The people who do this lack class, in my opinion.

A regional organiser for USDAW told of members being threatened, their children being threatened. It's just not on.

2 minutes ago, Irene Swaine said:

There seems to be a correlation here. You see, Tesco used to employ a calibre of staff with excellent customer service skills, who were polite, welcoming, attentive and pleasant. Over recent years, it seems they employ anyone, and some right miserable so and sos as well. These days, a lot of them just grunt at you and a please and a thank you are a distant memory. Isn't it funny how the places that give the worst customer service are issuing these notices/going to these measures?!!

I shop at Tescos and the staff are always very pleasant with me.

I tend to find that if you're nice with people, they'll be nice back to you.

It's nothing to do with shop workers and their behaviour, this is to do with some members of the public behaving in a disgusting manner. Instead of blaming shop workers, blame ignorant and entitled customers who probably weren't brought up with manners.

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Just now, Mister M said:

I was just listening to LBC, and they were discussing what shop workers were facing - One shop worker who said that he "expects to be abused every day" reported empty shopping bags chucked in his face and told by customers to "fill them".  What kind of entitled scrubber behaves like that? The people who do this lack class, in my opinion.

A regional organiser for USDAW told of members being threatened, their children being threatened. It's just not on.

I assume that you don't mean literally chucked in his face, on that basis, that's just a typical part of customer service, serving customers who are rude and abrupt. To think that a customer service professional shouldn't be able to do their role despite a bit of rudeness is an insult to the customer service profession. As I said, it takes a resilient person to work in customer service. If you can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen.

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10 minutes ago, Irene Swaine said:

There seems to be a correlation here. You see, Tesco used to employ a calibre of staff with excellent customer service skills, who were polite, welcoming, attentive and pleasant. Over recent years, it seems they employ anyone, and some right miserable so and sos as well. These days, a lot of them just grunt at you and a please and a thank you are a distant memory. Isn't it funny how the places that give the worst customer service are issuing these notices/going to these measures?!!

Can i ask Irene, are you right wing?

Because there seems to be a correlation, at least on here, between people with right wing opinions, and the belief that they can do as they please, and it's the fault of 'woke' society that they're "not allowed to".


5 minutes ago, Irene Swaine said:

I assume that you don't mean literally chucked in his face, on that basis, that's just a typical part of customer service, serving customers who are rude and abrupt. To think that a customer service professional shouldn't be able to do their role despite a bit of rudeness is an insult to the customer service profession. As I said, it takes a resilient person to work in customer service. If you can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen.

No I do mean the bag literally chucked in his face.


Why do you place the onus on the staff when it's clearly the customer at fault?

If you were burgled would you expect the police to tell you off for having nice things in your house?

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5 minutes ago, Mister M said:

No I do mean the bag literally chucked in his face.

Well then that is assault and should be dealt with accordingly. 


5 minutes ago, Mister M said:

Can i ask Irene, are you right wing?

I am neither right or left, I am just me. I don't understand putting one's self in to a box. I agree with what most people who class themselves as right wing say, apart from when it comes to trans-rights etc. We are all individuals, with unique opinions, I don't believe anyone is truly 100% left wing or 100% right wing.

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4 minutes ago, Irene Swaine said:

Well then that is assault and should be dealt with accordingly. 

Earlier you were mocking the idea of "verbal violence" - this includes threats to staff, and staff's families such as their children.

Threats of violence, to them or their families can be just as worrying to people.


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1 minute ago, Mister M said:

Earlier you were mocking the idea of "verbal violence" - this includes threats to staff, and staff's families such as their children.

Threats of violence, to them or their families can be just as worrying to people.


There is no such thing in law as verbal violence. The offence would be making violent threats, which is illegal and should not be tolerated.

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8 minutes ago, Irene Swaine said:

There is no such thing in law as verbal violence. The offence would be making violent threats, which is illegal and should not be tolerated.

There is a crime of verbal abuse apparently:


1.  These offences contrary to the Public Order Act 1986 relate to threatening, abusive or insulting words or behaviour, or display of visible representations, which:

Are likely to cause fear of, or to provoke, immediate violence: section 4;

Intentionally cause harassment, alarm or distress: section 4A; or

Are likely to cause harassment, alarm or distress (threatening or abusive words or behaviour only): section 5.

2.  It is a defence to section 4A and section 5 for the accused to demonstrate that their conduct was reasonable, which must be interpreted in accordance with the freedom of expression and other freedoms. If these freedoms are engaged, a justification for interference (by prosecution) with them must be convincingly established. A prosecution may only proceed if necessary and proportionate.

Verbal abuse and harassment in public | The Crown Prosecution Service (cps.gov.uk)



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42 minutes ago, Mister M said:

Can i ask Irene, are you right wing?

Because there seems to be a correlation, at least on here, between people with right wing opinions, and the belief that they can do as they please, and it's the fault of 'woke' society that they're "not allowed to".


No I do mean the bag literally chucked in his face.


Why do you place the onus on the staff when it's clearly the customer at fault?

If you were burgled would you expect the police to tell you off for having nice things in your house?

I am right wing but agree with you on this one, so I don't think that's correct.


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