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John Lewis Boss Calls For Abusing Shop Workers To Be An Offence

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I don't actually know if Australia already has this cobblers law (about "abusing shop workers") that some extremists in the UK are proposing but, whether it does or does not, the following true story illustrates why such a subjective law is utterly ludicrous. If the soddn' selfish cow below really was ringing "security" (or even the police ! ), and thus actually expecting them to do something, it also shows how modern society really has gone stark staring mad. 
Even allowing for the fact she may possibly have been in a bad mood at the end of her night shift in my opinion she is an unsuitable person to even be dealing with the public.


We had stayed in an AirBnB apartment located in a high rise in Sydney for 5 days and, earlier in our stay, had asked at reception (three times in fact) if a taxi could be called for us on the morning we needed to leave for our flight and every time we were told "no problem", in fact one lady even showed me : "all we have to do it press this yellow button and one will be here in five minutes !". However, when we came down on the day of our flight the woman on reception said "You are not our customers, I cannot do anything for you and I will not call you a taxi". We explained we had a long haul flight to catch, we had no internet access, nor any number for any taxi firm, and I also pointed out we had been told THREE TIMES that a taxi could be called for us, but she just repeated "No, I will not do that as you are not our customer". This was quite stressing for us TO PUT IT MILDLY, I now had visions of us missing our flight home and as a result my voice probably went up an ocatve or so..... I then pointed out that all she had to do was to "push this yellow button here and a taxi would come", and I leant over to show her where it was. She then started ringing a number and at first we thought she had relented and was phoning for a taxi but in actual fact we think she was probably ringing "security" (or even the police ! ) for me leaning over the counter to show her where the button was !


Basically I am saying that :

1 - any sympathy going should not necessarily be directed at the employee and

2 - Sometimes, with their bad attitude, they bring it on themselves.....



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23 minutes ago, Irene Swaine said:

Woke virtue signalling nonsense. Abusive behaviour is already an offense. No one should get special treatment because of their job title.

>>Abusive behaviour is already an offense<<


Unless it is very accurately defined I do not even agree with it being an offence.

After all, who gets to define abuse anyway ?

And why should it be the most sensitive person in society ?

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21 minutes ago, Chekhov said:

>>Abusive behaviour is already an offense<<


Unless it is very accurately defined I do not even agree with it being an offence.

After all, who gets to define abuse anyway ?

And why should it be the most sensitive person in society ?

Exactly. I don't believe calling someone an idiot should be classed as abuse or illegal. Slapping someone in the face should be. But it shouldn't make a difference if you slap the woman in Argos in the face or a friend on a night out, assault is assault. No one matters more than others.

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