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Hillsbrough Park Over Used?

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9 hours ago, Chekhov said:

... I know a number of parents who are literally incandescent.

Sounds painful.


Good job then that Sheffield has a plentiful supply of other parks and public spaces and a network of public transport that those without a car can make use of.  You know, like when fewer families had access to cars, and hopped on the bus to Millhouses or Rivelin or Weston Park.  Like in the 70s, when things were so much better...

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It seems like the pro Tramlines in Hillsborough park people turn any comments from those upset that their local park has been churned up into a kind of culture war suggesting they are killjoys who are on a mission to stop them having a great weekend at a music festival.  
There really are very few killjoys around and most people want others to enjoy themselves.  But some feel so entitled to enjoy themselves, they just don’t care if it comes at the expense of others.  

Anyway, I suspect that Tramlines will not be held at Hillsborough park for much longer.  It outgrew its original city centre location and it’s now outgrowing Hillsborough park. Don Valley has been mentioned as a possible future venue and I think that would be a good move.


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They might as well sell off Hillsborough Park for all the use local residents get from it. What with having some of it fenced off while they widened the tarmaced paths, then the Arctic Monkeys, then Tramlines, then months for it to recover, not to mention Sheffield Wednesday commandeering the car park every match day, it's a wonder anybody bothers to go there.

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On 02/08/2023 at 21:28, Chekhov said:

If you mean any park that held a huge concert over three days in almost continuous pouring rain, then yes I would possibly agree.

But that is not really saying very much.

The fact is much of Hillsborough park is now unusable for weeks (and possibly months), which would have been bad enough at any time, but right over the school six week holidays it is inexcusable. I know a number of parents who are literally incandescent.


Just send the kids in. A healthy dose of mud mixed with decaying human faeces will soon have their immune systems humming away.


Once they have finished playing mud pies and sliding in the sewage, they could pop out of the gate and have a play on the tram tracks.


Sounds like a brilliant day out to me.

Edited by Prettytom
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On 02/08/2023 at 22:23, nikki-red said:

I don’t know the exact figures, but 10s of thousands of people had a great time over the weekend.

How many people will not be able to use that section of the park until it’s sorted again?  

Just wondering. 

How many of those 10s of thousands of people who had a great time live away from Hillsborough and have the use of a local park?  I don't because my local park was trashed by 10's of thousands of people who had a great time.

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1 hour ago, Micky D said:

How many of those 10s of thousands of people who had a great time live away from Hillsborough and have the use of a local park?  I don't because my local park was trashed by 10's of thousands of people who had a great time.

Part of the park. Lots of it is untouched.


There’s a tram stop at the top of the park. Use it to explore other parks. You know, the ones that all the Tramliners are using.

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4 minutes ago, hackey lad said:

Why should they when they have a local park ?

He was moaning that other people had nice parks to use. I was just pointing  out that he has that option too.


Or, he could use the extensive bits of Hillsborough Park that are untouched . Or pop out to Bradfield, it’s nice there.


Some people will moan about anything.

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