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By- Elections Results

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3 hours ago, Mister M said:

I hadn't quite understood what you meant when I first read your post; however after reading GBNews presenter Tom Harwood's tweet about Kier Mather, it's become clear what Mather will be up against in the HoC:


🤮 Creep off Harwood.



Been a while since I was called a twink.

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6 hours ago, Mister M said:

"Finishing 5th in an English by election should be a resigning matter for a leader of one of the main political parties".



Remind us all about Boris.

You know the one that persistently lied to Parliament and to the Committee investigating his lying to Parliament.

The one that partied through lockdown as tens of thousands of the public died alone.

The one who got to be party leader by knocking a huge 4% off our GDP in the form of Brexit 

The one whose decision to prorogue Parliament was judged unlawful by the Supreme Court and who accused him of 'misleading' The Queen.


Funny how you think none of those were resigning issues when Boris was in charge :roll:


I do not remember the Tory Party finishing 5th in any English by elections when Boris Johnson was leader of the Tory Party.


6 hours ago, Organgrinder said:

Doesn't matter what position they come in apart from the winner.  No consolation prizes with a first past the post system.

Nobody's interested in your idea of who should resign   -   It sounds very much like Starmer's   really scaring you these days.


What a load of nonsense.  If either the Labour Party or the Tory Party win an overall majority in the next General Election they need to gain good support throughout the whole of England.  Finishing 5th in Somerset is not going to lead to the Labour Party winning the next General Election.

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4 hours ago, Axe said:

I do not remember the Tory Party finishing 5th in any English by elections when Boris Johnson was leader of the Tory Party.


What a load of nonsense.  If either the Labour Party or the Tory Party win an overall majority in the next General Election they need to gain good support throughout the whole of England.  Finishing 5th in Somerset is not going to lead to the Labour Party winning the next General Election.

I have already told you that I don't want Labour to win the next election so why would that bother me ?

What I want is a hung parliament so that Labour have no overall control and the Lib Dems would give them a majority in return for PR voting.

It may not happen that way but it seems the most likely outcome at the moment.   I don't want Sunak and I don't want Starmer to have unfettered power.

As for nonsense,  you can feel free to believe any nonsense you like but Sunak cannot keep his 5 pledges and the Tories are now finished.

Don't take my word for it,  listen to the political commentators and they will tell you that hope does not win elections.



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6 hours ago, Organgrinder said:

I have already told you that I don't want Labour to win the next election so why would that bother me ?

What I want is a hung parliament so that Labour have no overall control and the Lib Dems would give them a majority in return for PR voting.

It may not happen that way but it seems the most likely outcome at the moment.   I don't want Sunak and I don't want Starmer to have unfettered power.

As for nonsense,  you can feel free to believe any nonsense you like but Sunak cannot keep his 5 pledges and the Tories are now finished.

Don't take my word for it,  listen to the political commentators and they will tell you that hope does not win elections.



Very good point. And I don't think Labour will double-cross them like the Tories did last time, so maybe PR is in with a chance. 

Also, maybe PR or a coalition government will be able to actually do something about the House of Lords as well. They've been talking about it for years. 

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18 hours ago, Axe said:

It was not the disaster for the Tory Party that you were dreaming of.  


The age of the Labour candidate is irrelevant.  He won because he was the Labour candidate in a low turnout by election.  Tory voters were unhappy about the behaviour of the previous MP that caused a needless by election.  At the next general election the Tory Party will win back both the Selby and Somerset seats because the turnout is always much higher in a general election and protest votes only make up only a small amount of the votes cast.


18 hours ago, Axe said:

It was not the disaster for the Tory Party that you were dreaming of.  


The age of the Labour candidate is irrelevant.  He won because he was the Labour candidate in a low turnout by election.  Tory voters were unhappy about the behaviour of the previous MP that caused a needless by election.  At the next general election the Tory Party will win back both the Selby and Somerset seats because the turnout is always much higher in a general election and protest votes only make up only a small amount of the votes cast.

The turnout was around 50% which is actually higher than usual and higher than a general election.

He's also a Toff (Public school, Oxbridge)...which might keep the die-hard Tory voters quiet. 

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8 hours ago, Organgrinder said:

I have already told you that I don't want Labour to win the next election so why would that bother me ?

What I want is a hung parliament so that Labour have no overall control and the Lib Dems would give them a majority in return for PR voting.

It may not happen that way but it seems the most likely outcome at the moment.   I don't want Sunak and I don't want Starmer to have unfettered power.

As for nonsense,  you can feel free to believe any nonsense you like but Sunak cannot keep his 5 pledges and the Tories are now finished.

Don't take my word for it,  listen to the political commentators and they will tell you that hope does not win elections.



I want either a Labour government or a Tory government to be in sole charge of running the country after the next general election.  I do not want a minority party interfering.  PR would be a disaster for our country judging by how parliament behaved during the last hung parliament.


11 hours ago, Anna B said:

Err... Yes they can be actually...

Give me an example of when tactical voting led to a political party winning a general election in our country.  Tactical voting risks getting a government nobody wants,

1 hour ago, Anna B said:


The turnout was around 50% which is actually higher than usual and higher than a general election.

He's also a Toff (Public school, Oxbridge)...which might keep the die-hard Tory voters quiet. 

Nonsense the turnout was 72% at the last general election.

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