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End Of Life Care, And Assisted Suicide

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A man has recently been found not guilty of murder, but guilty of manslaughter, for assisting his terminally ill wife die by suffocation.  He smothered her with a pillow which has always seemed to me to be a vey unpleasant way to go, and unpleasant thing to do. He has yet to be sentenced. So what do you think? 


Is our life ultimately our own to end should we wish to do so?

And should we be able, in law, to allow a trusted loved one permission to be with us and help if it's necessary?

Should the means be available, to choose the time, place and method to make a clean end? A good death?  


Assuming that all the checks and balances are in place, and in the right circumstances, should we have the right to  Euthanasia in this country?


I think yes, but that's just me.

What do you think?

Whose life is it anyway?

Edited by Anna B
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22 minutes ago, crookesey said:

A YES almost gives folk the right to end the life of a very sick ‘loved one’. Too full of holes for me, you can be whatever/whoever whilst posting on a forum, real life is somewhat different. 😉

That's true, which is why I specified that all the checks and balances should be in place. But I think that intense pain has to be the deciding factor.


I also think that if someone takes another's life even in these circumstances, it's serious enough to warrant investigatjon by the police, and a court case which is why I am interested in the sentence/ outcome  in the case I quoted, as from what I've heard so far it was an act of mercy, and at the request of the wife.

But I think the method used was awful. I assume there was no other option.

Edited by Anna B
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I agree with Anna and also agree with her regarding how the lady died.

The medical profession should be involved  ( 2 doctors )  and the go ahead should only be given by an appointed judge advised by the doctors.

The medical / legal participation,  should not be allowed to delay a decision,  and if the  ill patient is to be allowed to die,  the doctors can be responsible for prescribing or administering the means.

A very difficult problem which needs to be handled with a great deal of care but it's a disgrace when we can have loved pets put to sleep and yet,  make people suffer.


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 I remember the case of a very thoughtful and articulate lady (probably in her 40's) who I think had multiple sclerosis. I'm afraid I can't remember  her name or the details of the case, but she campaigned for years through the courts to be allowed to end her life, but she never got it. She wanted her husband to be allowed to help her.

She died naturally in the end, but having endured years of suffering. It seemed wrong to me but she was doing it to set a 

legal precedent that others in a similar predicament could follow. A very brave lady who knew what she wanted. I remember watching all these legal old farts pontificating and asking myself why on earth it should be up to them whether she lived or died, when she was the one who was suffering it all. Had they ever walked a day in her shoe

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17 minutes ago, Anna B said:

 I remember the case of a very thoughtful and articulate lady (probably in her 40's) who I think had multiple sclerosis. I'm afraid I can't remember  her name or the details of the case, but she campaigned for years through the courts to be allowed to end her life, but she never got it. She wanted her husband to be allowed to help her.

She died naturally in the end, but having endured years of suffering. It seemed wrong to me but she was doing it to set a 

legal precedent that others in a similar predicament could follow. A very brave lady who knew what she wanted. I remember watching all these legal old farts pontificating and asking myself why on earth it should be up to them whether she lived or died, when she was the one who was suffering it all. Had they ever walked a day in her shoe

I don't know if she spent a substantial amount of money,  but couldn't she have used it to go to Switzerland I believe they do assisted suicide there?

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1 hour ago, crookesey said:

I wouldn’t authorise my pet’s demise without  the benefit of advice from a respected professional.

No pet lover would ever take such a massive step lightly.

Our last 2 pets both had to be put to sleep  but, even without the vets advice, we already knew that we would be prolonging suffering otherwise.

It's a terrible experience because, on top of the grief, you suffer the guilt of having to take steps which you didn't want to take.

I feel for the man in question and know he must have suffered enough without the legal system punishing him further.

We should all sincerely hope that we will never find ourselves in his position and we definitely do need a legal ruling to help the poor

people who do face this.

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