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Beggar Gives Me Money.

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Here's a little anecdote for you guys.

I had a little issue yesterday which left me in despair (see what's knocked your duck of today thread. post 1971)

Now I've decided to stop using cash and join the cashless brigade.

So I've set off this morning to Parson Cross ASDA armed only with my bank card.


Anyone who uses this ASDA will be familiar with the beggar who sits at the entrance with a guitar, he's not exactly Eric Clapton, but he can strum a few chords together.

This guy is always polite, never aggressive, and always passes the time of day as you enter the store.

In fact I've often thought of chucking him a quid, but me parting with a pound coin just isn't on.

He's actually better dressed than me, and probably smells better.


Anyway I turn up at ASDA, and go for a trolley, What have they done?

They've reintroduced that system where you have to insert a £1 coin to get the trolley.

Ruddy hell, first time I go out without any cash, and this happens.

So I'm stood there looking all forlorn and scruffy, when who comes to my rescue, the beggar.

He's obviously spotted my plight, and thought the poor soul.

"Here tha are mate tek this" he gives me a £1 coin.

I say "Thanks mate, I'll gee it thi back when I've finished shopping"      

"Nah" he sez "Keep it"


So now, next time I go to ASDA, I'm going to bite the bullet and slip him a Fiver, YES A RUDDY FIVER . 😮 

It's restored my faith in human nature, and never to judge a book by it's cover.



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12 minutes ago, HeHasRisen said:

I use the round bit at the top of a door key instead of a pound coin. 

Good tip



16 minutes ago, Padders said:

Here's a little anecdote for you guys.

I had a little issue yesterday which left me in despair (see what's knocked your duck of today thread. post 1971)

Now I've decided to stop using cash and join the cashless brigade.

So I've set off this morning to Parson Cross ASDA armed only with my bank card.


Anyone who uses this ASDA will be familiar with the beggar who sits at the entrance with a guitar, he's not exactly Eric Clapton, but he can strum a few chords together.

This guy is always polite, never aggressive, and always passes the time of day as you enter the store.

In fact I've often thought of chucking him a quid, but me parting with a pound coin just isn't on.

He's actually better dressed than me, and probably smells better.


Anyway I turn up at ASDA, and go for a trolley, What have they done?

They've reintroduced that system where you have to insert a £1 coin to get the trolley.

Ruddy hell, first time I go out without any cash, and this happens.

So I'm stood there looking all forlorn and scruffy, when who comes to my rescue, the beggar.

He's obviously spotted my plight, and thought the poor soul.

"Here tha are mate tek this" he gives me a £1 coin.

I say "Thanks mate, I'll gee it thi back when I've finished shopping"      

"Nah" he sez "Keep it"


So now, next time I go to ASDA, I'm going to bite the bullet and slip him a Fiver, YES A RUDDY FIVER . 😮 

It's restored my faith in human nature, and never to judge a book by it's cover.



Is a £1 still the going rate,  I do give £1 coins but I feel embarrassed - once two blokes sat together and I them £1 each -  felt cringing.

Edited by cressida
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26 minutes ago, HeHasRisen said:

Shouldn't give any beggar money tbh, look up the Help Us Help scheme.



I usually don't, but I was impressed that he gave a tramp like me money.

I'm going to repay his act of kindness, even if I have to remove my mattress and extract a fiver from it.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 22/07/2023 at 13:34, Padders said:



So now, next time I go to ASDA, I'm going to bite the bullet and slip him a Fiver, YES A RUDDY FIVER . 😮 

It's restored my faith in human nature, and never to judge a book by it's cover.



Been to ASDA today,

And I've got a confession to make.

After much thought and consideration, I've decided a FIVER is a bit on the extreme side..

I've had a five pound note in my wallet for over a couple of weeks now, and I can't bear to part with it..

I'm even waking up in the middle of the night to check it's still there.

Anyway, I did say I'd treat him, and being a man of my word, I obliged!

Luckily I found an out of date £1 coin down the back of my sofa, I gave him that :thumbsup:

He can exchange it at a bank for a new one.

I'm happy, he's happy, and hopefully I cling on to my £5 note for another week...........

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5 minutes ago, Padders said:

Been to ASDA today,

And I've got a confession to make.

After much thought and consideration, I've decided a FIVER is a bit on the extreme side..

I've had a five pound note in my wallet for over a couple of weeks now, and I can't bear to part with it..

I'm even waking up in the middle of the night to check it's still there.

Anyway, I did say I'd treat him, and being a man of my word, I obliged!

Luckily I found an out of date £1 coin down the back of my sofa, I gave him that :thumbsup:

He can exchange it at a bank for a new one.

I'm happy, he's happy, and hopefully I cling on to my £5 note for another week...........

Are you sure you're  not a real Yorkshireman ?

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