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Ghost Stories

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This thread is sharing real life ghost stories, be they first hand or second hand. 


Here are the ones I have, feel free to share yours too.


When I was staying in a holiday cottage in Cornwall, when I was a child, me and my sibling were awake early one morning. We both heard a definite knock on the door. We went to answer, the door being adjacent to where we were sitting. When we opened it, there was no one there. We looked up and down the street and it was deserted! 


On a nursing forum, I read a story from a hospital worker in Sheffield who had a woman walk in to the ward and asked if it was ITU. The woman was dressed in 1990s clothing, which the poster noted was unusual. The woman was told that it had not been an ITU ward for some years. She replied "it used to be ITU". With that, she vanished. The worker asked their colleagues if any of them had seen or heard the woman who just walked in, but they heard  or saw nothing.


Marks & Spencer on Fargate is said to be haunted by an employee who died whilst under contract there. The morning after he died, several workers saw him at the gate on Chapel Walk, out of habit, they all said hello to him. Only afterwards, did they realise that he had died. A customer of the store later wrote a letter of praise for an employee who was ever so helpful when they were looking for an item on the shop floor. The management were startled when they realised that the man the customer was describing was the prior deceased colleague.


At Sheffield railway station, at the north end of platform 6 is an outbuilding. It is said to be haunted by a mischeivous spirit. 


The Queen's Head public house is also said to be haunted. I must admit that whenever I have popped to the ladies' in there, I have felt a presence, despite being alone. 




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I am not a big believer in the after life but I do honest believe I have seen a ghost and also so did my step father who just wouldn't lie about stuff like that.


I was about 12 and as kids do we went ghost hunting at Abbey Lane crematory.


Whilst I was just wandering around whilst my brother and his mates were ahead of me, I swear I saw a white sheet like figure with two holes in it fly in-between some trees!! I instantly started crying and ran as fast I could, sharply followed by everyone else!!!

Edited by Al Bundy
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2 minutes ago, abbeyedges said:

There are plenty of spirits in the Queen's Head.


There was a rumour that a White Lady resided in Beauchief Hall on Beauchief Drive. 

Yep, that was the tale around our parts. Many a time we went looking whilst searching for golf balls.

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I have been up to Stocksbridge bypass many times but not seen anything. 


There is a story (friend of a friend, so not sure how credible) of someone picking up a hitch-hiker on the A57 road, near Ladybower. They were heading east and as they approached the turn off for Strines, the driver heard a piercing scream and turned around, the hitchiker had vanished.




33 minutes ago, Al Bundy said:

I am not a big believer in the after life but I do honest believe I have seen a ghost and also so did my step father who just wouldn't lie about stuff like that.


I was about 12 and as kids do we went ghost hunting at Abbey Lane crematory.


Whilst I was just wandering around whilst my brother and his mates were ahead of me, I swear I saw a white sheet like figure with two holes in it fly in-between some trees!! I instantly started crying and ran as fast I could, sharply followed by everyone else!!!

Something about Abbey Lane/Hutcliffe wood cemetery has always seemed off to me, more so than City Road, Sheffield General or any of the other cemeteries. 

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28 minutes ago, Irene Swaine said:

I have been up to Stocksbridge bypass many times but not seen anything. 



I've mentioned this experience before regarding Stocksbridge by-pass.

Many years ago, one sunny Autumn day I went for a walk up there.

I was sat on a bench overlooking the by-pass, when a mist descended, and out of this mist a figure appeared, it sort of floated towards me, as it got nearer I realized it was a wizened old man and he was wearing a white cloak.

He came up to the bench and sat down next to me.


I said to him "Alreight mate"

He replied "Nah, I'm fed up pal"

I said "Why? what's up matey"

"Well" he said, "I've been haunting these woods for 600yrs now, and then they build this ruddy by-pass, making it almost impossible to get from one side to the other, not only that, I can't scare people anymore, every time I put on my best ghoulish face, people just want to take selfies.

100 yrs ago their was 2000 ghosts in Britain, now there's about 75 left. It's a dying trade now pal. I can scream, howl, and rattle my chains, but they just laugh at me.

I've applied at various castles for vacancies with no joy, they prefer to set on university students who can do the job just as well..

Us proper experienced ghosts are no longer needed.

What's the point of carrying on, I'll think I'll take early retirement and pack it in"


With a tear in my eye, I bid him good day and wished him luck.

I think we can safely say that the Stocksbridge by-pass is no longer haunted.

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2 hours ago, Padders said:

I've mentioned this experience before regarding Stocksbridge by-pass.

Many years ago, one sunny Autumn day I went for a walk up there.

I was sat on a bench overlooking the by-pass, when a mist descended, and out of this mist a figure appeared, it sort of floated towards me, as it got nearer I realized it was a wizened old man and he was wearing a white cloak.

He came up to the bench and sat down next to me.


I said to him "Alreight mate"

He replied "Nah, I'm fed up pal"

I said "Why? what's up matey"

"Well" he said, "I've been haunting these woods for 600yrs now, and then they build this ruddy by-pass, making it almost impossible to get from one side to the other, not only that, I can't scare people anymore, every time I put on my best ghoulish face, people just want to take selfies.

100 yrs ago their was 2000 ghosts in Britain, now there's about 75 left. It's a dying trade now pal. I can scream, howl, and rattle my chains, but they just laugh at me.

I've applied at various castles for vacancies with no joy, they prefer to set on university students who can do the job just as well..

Us proper experienced ghosts are no longer needed.

What's the point of carrying on, I'll think I'll take early retirement and pack it in"


With a tear in my eye, I bid him good day and wished him luck.

I think we can safely say that the Stocksbridge by-pass is no longer haunted.

There are no Spirits in Padders Bar and the beer is not up to much either. :hihi:

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34 minutes ago, bassett one said:

well thats so nice padders,but myself says what a load of rubbish ,they dont exist ,never have ,i am a non believer

They do Mr. Bassett, or did.

I was chatting to this fella for some time.

He told me he'd worked all over, including Whitby Abbey, Bolsover Castle, Carbrook Hall, and even had a posting to Edinburgh Castle.

Then 600years ago he got is own patch in Stocksbridge, he said he got job satisfaction working at Stocky.

At one point in his career he obtained a record number of "Scares" in a year, some 31,057. 

This put him in the top ten of Britains most scariest ghosts.

He used to carry a tin of red paint, so it would look like he was covered in blood.

He put a lot of the blame on the "Ghostbusters" who he claimed have contributed in the decline...

A very sad story Mr. B.


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