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Are Gay Pride Marches Past Their Sell By Date?

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2 hours ago, The_DADDY said:

My postman isn't best pleased about the whole pride thing. His van has great big rainbow stickers on it and he said it makes him feel silly and his kids troll him mercilessly to the point he now carries his post bag across his front because he was sick of his kids 'reacharound' jokes.

You have to feel for the guy 😪


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Pride events now are very political


You'll see a lot of hard left propaganda posters about soclialsm, refugees, climate change and a general hatred  of the Tories


Which seems strange because most modern gays rights where brought in by the Tories 


There are certain sections of the gay community who never wanted to be just like everyone else


They wanted to be different, to be flamboyant, eccentric and outrageous


That's why they are now all screaming about the trans community being oppressed when clearly they aren't 


The hard left are just using the trans community as victims to scream at us all and to demand we change to think like them 

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I recall quite a few years ago a new company rep of a firm that I had dealt with for many years introducing himself. He told me his full name and quite surprisingly that he was gay, and asked me if this would be a problem for me. I was quite taken aback and answered,“Not unless they make it compulsory”, he proceeded to howl with laughter and it was never mentioned again.

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I wouldn't say past it's sell by date, but without doubt it's definitely been hijacked by those looking to get attention and others wanting to make money from it.


It must be incredibly annoying for the original protestors for gay rights.

I've probably mentioned it before but I occasionally meet up in my village with two older gay chaps for a pint and they find the whole LGBTQ+ and all the fanfare absolutely nauseating.

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