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Are Gay Pride Marches Past Their Sell By Date?

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43 minutes ago, The_DADDY said:

You'll get no argument from me. The problem is there is no meeting us half way. There is no compromise. These extremists don't want that. 

Child genital mutilation isn't restricted to barbaric religious practices. Now anyone who disagrees with the sex of their child can have it swapped in a jiffy. 

Get on board or be a bigot. 

Anyone that gives cosmetic surgery to children (under 18) should be sent to prison 


It's as simple as that 


We wouldnt allow a 14 year old to get a spider web tattooed on their face


It's insane 

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9 hours ago, The_DADDY said:

Told ya :razz:

Cheers Daddy, :thumbsup: yes I hold my hands up to diving in a bit too quick without reading a few previous post,   but because the topic was about Gay  people,    at first sight on actually seeing a high lighted sentence say " I have never met one"  I dived in thinking impossible,  and yes I've had to wipe the egg off my face on this occaision,  on saying that its not unusual for me to have a damp flannel on stand by when I post.  :hihi:

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14 hours ago, Zinger549 said:

What will you say if in the future your son tells you he's gay or he doesn't want to have kids?

I am supposed to come out with all sorts virtue signalling cobblers here : I wouldn't be bothered, it's his life, I'd be happy to go to his wedding to his husband, etc etc.

But I would not mean it, nor do I think most parents would really mean it either.

Assuming he could actually have kids (not all couples are  lucky enough to be able to do that....), I'd be very very upset.

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13 hours ago, altus said:

Gay men's sperm works just as well as straight men's sperm does. A gay son is just as capable of producing an offspring that is every bit as biologically related to you as a straight son is.


I want what most parents want, but keep quiet about it because it is not seen as politically correct.

I want my lad to meet a nice friendly reliable type woman, get married, and have a conventional family.

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20 minutes ago, Chekhov said:


I want what most parents want, but keep quiet about it because it is not seen as politically correct.

I want my lad to meet a nice friendly reliable type woman, get married, and have a conventional family.

How dare you!!!

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14 hours ago, altus said:

First of all, you can't encourage someone to be gay in the same way that people don't turn gay by seeing/meeting gays. They either are (or are bi) or they aren't.

I do not agree at all.

People are on a continuum, from 100% gay at one end and to 100% straight at the other (with far more at that end).

Obviously, for people at the 100% gay extreme you are right. But for those more in the middle you are wrong. I suspect there are many people coming out as gay now who, in times past when societal mores pushed them that way, would have got married and had kids and been reasonably happy about it, as most of us are. Few people are in a perfect relationship......

"Bisexuality" just confirms my point. As it happens I am not in favour of promiscuity* anyway, gay or straight, but if my lad ends up being "Bi" hopefully he can just go with the straight side of that, and preferably with just one woman. If my lad ever got married and had kids and then started playing about with other women I would be very unhappy about it. Hopefully he would not do that because we, his parents, have bought him up to see that as totally unacceptable, i.e. societal pressure.


* Promiscuity is, arguably, another genetically influenced trait. Therefore some would say we should just accept people being unfaithful to their wives / husbands : "he (or she) is the victim of his (or her) genes". Sod that. As I said, if my lad has affairs, particularly if he is married (or even worse has kids), he is in the wrong and I will tell him that in no uncertain terms : "think of your family and stop being so soddin' selfish".

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3 minutes ago, Beechwood_S6 said:

Sounds like he'll be driving a Volvo in the future.

Good idea, as I have frequently mentioned on here, when it comes to danger forget Covid or taking pictures at school events or swimming galas, it's the roads that you should worry about, they are, statistically speaking, dangerous.

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