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Are Gay Pride Marches Past Their Sell By Date?

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23 minutes ago, Delayed said:

What did you find offensive? And where did I express hate against your protected characteristics?



It doesn't matter


My question was how do you define speech as a hate crime and you couldn't answer the question


Because offensive speech is subjective


I find Dave Chappelle very funny but others find him offensive


Can they demand he be arrested?


The current laws are very clear....you can say what you want just as long as you don't instigate violence


But the lefties want that law to apply to anything that's offensive


The irony is that the left who apparently champion anti-establishment freedoms are the ones who want to silence people 

Edited by Jack Grey
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4 minutes ago, RollingJ said:

But  by a hell of a lot of it, if the size of the the Brighton event is anything to go by.

Absolutely, and I'm not decrying anyone for having a good time. If I was down in Brighton I'd also be at the event.

I suppose as time goes on, it's easy to forget the original purpose of something and get caught up in partying. Ideally Pride should be a celebration of how far we've come, but acknowledge there's still a way to go.

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5 minutes ago, Jack Grey said:

It doesn't matter

My question was how do you define speech as a hate crime and you couldn't answer the question

Because offensive speech is subjective

I find Dave Chappelle very funny but others find him offensive

Can they demand he be arrested?

The current laws are very clear....you can say what you want just as long as you don't instigate violence

But the lefties want that law to apply to anything that's offensive

The irony is that the left who apparently champion establishment freedoms are the ones who want to silence people 

It won't stay like that for long Jack, unfortunately.

But, in fact, we are already at the point where, even if the law says you can say what you want, everyone from woke broadcasters and social media giants to over protective employers effectively censors what people can say.


1 minute ago, Mister M said:

Absolutely, and I'm not decrying anyone for having a good time. If I was down in Brighton I'd also be at the event.

I suppose as time goes on, it's easy to forget the original purpose of something and get caught up in partying. Ideally Pride should be a celebration of how far we've come, but acknowledge there's still a way to go.

What more do you want ?

Edited by Chekhov
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4 minutes ago, Mister M said:

... I think nowadays the emphasis has shifted from Pride marches serving a more celebratory role.

That's not something that's universally welcomed in the LGB community by the way...

I'm seeing this more these days.  There's some rumbling that the extreme extroversion, and even exhibitionist nature, of the event has become too dominant, that it's unrepresentative, and that it's even been appropriated by 'essentially straight allies leaning in to the Q+ personality'.  Not my words, but I can see why it's becoming rather divisive, something that's amplified in communities that haven't always been welcoming to Pride events even when they were more activist in nature and less celebratory and commercial.

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12 minutes ago, Jack Grey said:

It doesn't matter


My question was how do you define speech as a hate crime and you couldn't answer the question


Where speech is used to discriminate. Which I've already said numerous times. 



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2 minutes ago, Hecate said:

I'm seeing this more these days.  There's some rumbling that the extreme extroversion, and even exhibitionist nature, of the event has become too dominant, that it's unrepresentative, and that it's even been appropriated by 'essentially straight allies leaning in to the Q+ personality'.  Not my words, but I can see why it's becoming rather divisive, something that's amplified in communities that haven't always been welcoming to Pride events even when they were more activist in nature and less celebratory and commercial.

As I have said previously, I have attended around a dozen of the BRIGHTON parades over the past 15-16 years, and my impression - backed up by my photographic collection, is that the extroversion/exhibitionism has reduced - considerably. Don't get your 'essentially straight...' quote either.

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8 minutes ago, Chekhov said:

What more do you want ?

Narrowing it down, I'd like a situation where having to come out as gay (which you continually have to do, it's not just a one off) can feel as natural as saying what your favourite film is.

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2 minutes ago, Mister M said:

Narrowing it down, I'd like a situation where having to come out as gay (which you continually have to do, it's not just a one off) can feel as natural as saying what your favourite film is.

Bold - do you HAVE to? Underlined- again , does it matter?

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19 minutes ago, Hecate said:

I'm seeing this more these days.  There's some rumbling that the extreme extroversion, and even exhibitionist nature, of the event has become too dominant, that it's unrepresentative, and that it's even been appropriated by 'essentially straight allies leaning in to the Q+ personality'.  Not my words, but I can see why it's becoming rather divisive, something that's amplified in communities that haven't always been welcoming to Pride events even when they were more activist in nature and less celebratory and commercial.

Yes, and I think it was about 5 years ago that Sheffield Pride committee received a great deal of anger and derision when they tried to stop people on the march from having banners with political slogans on - claiming it's "a march of celebration not protest"!


6 minutes ago, RollingJ said:

Bold - do you HAVE to? Underlined- again , does it matter?

No - someone doesn't have to come out as gay. Though speaking personally I'm much happier out of the closet than inside it. 

It shouldn't matter, but as someone who has gone through the process of coming out multiple times, it does. I can't exactly say why....

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1 hour ago, Delayed said:

Where speech is used to discriminate.


So basically all religions are discriminative? 


They all say being gay is wrong 


So anyone who follows the Bible or Koran should be prosecuted?

Edited by Jack Grey
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