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Are Gay Pride Marches Past Their Sell By Date?

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30 minutes ago, Chekhov said:

I have never met one I have to say.


There are, however, rightly or wrongly, many people who are not entirely comfortable with the idea, particularly if it's "in their face".

I have nothing against gay people (though I would not want may son to be encouraged to be gay, I want grandkids thanks very much) but I am not comfortable seeing gay couples kissing each other. I suspect many people, maybe even most, feel similarly even if they would not admit it. One thing's for certain, forcing them to confront the latter will not make them feel more positive. Thus all this gay pride stuff is not going to help, it's just virtue signalling "preaching to the converted", if anything it's counter productive.

Delicious irony part 3567 In this hypocritical authoritarian world of ours, Liberal types think they are being Liberal by telling everyone else how they should think..... 

What will you say if in the future your son tells you he's gay or he doesn't want to have kids?

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36 minutes ago, Chekhov said:

I have never met one I have to say.


There are, however, rightly or wrongly, many people who are not entirely comfortable with the idea, particularly if it's "in their face".

I have nothing against gay people (though I would not want may son to be encouraged to be gay, I want grandkids thanks very much) but I am not comfortable seeing gay couples kissing each other. I suspect many people, maybe even most, feel similarly even if they would not admit it. One thing's for certain, forcing them to confront the latter will not make them feel more positive. Thus all this gay pride stuff is not going to help, it's just virtue signalling "preaching to the converted", if anything it's counter productive.

Delicious irony part 3567 In this hypocritical authoritarian world of ours, Liberal types think they are being Liberal by telling everyone else how they should think..... 

You have never met someone who is gay.   Where do you live, Pluto? :roll:

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8 minutes ago, PRESLEY said:

You have never met someone who is gay.   Where do you live, Pluto? :roll:

I don't believe that's what @Chekhov said. 

6 hours ago, melthebell said:

but the battle hasnt been won, theres still plenty in this world that hate them just for existing, theres still bigots around, especially on the right, like i said this thread, and the post i quoted show that, its the usual bilge from the right, oh lets have a hetrosexual march :rolleyes: either deliberately ignoring the reasons why there has been a struggle for human rights to just exist, or complete ignorance, tbh i'd go with the first.

My Bold..

Mel said "theres still plenty in this world that hate them just for existing,"

48 minutes ago, Chekhov said:

I have never met one I have to say.


There are, however, rightly or wrongly, many people who are not entirely comfortable with the idea, particularly if it's "in their face".

I have nothing against gay people (though I would not want may son to be encouraged to be gay, I want grandkids thanks very much) but I am not comfortable seeing gay couples kissing each other. I suspect many people, maybe even most, feel similarly even if they would not admit it. One thing's for certain, forcing them to confront the latter will not make them feel more positive. Thus all this gay pride stuff is not going to help, it's just virtue signalling "preaching to the converted", if anything it's counter productive.

Delicious irony part 3567 In this hypocritical authoritarian world of ours, Liberal types think they are being Liberal by telling everyone else how they should think..... 

That's the part Chekhov replied to. 

9 minutes ago, PRESLEY said:

You have never met someone who is gay.   Where do you live, Pluto? :roll:


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42 minutes ago, Chekhov said:

I have never met one I have to say.


There are, however, rightly or wrongly, many people who are not entirely comfortable with the idea, particularly if it's "in their face".

I have nothing against gay people (though I would not want may son to be encouraged to be gay, I want grandkids thanks very much) but I am not comfortable seeing gay couples kissing each other. I suspect many people, maybe even most, feel similarly even if they would not admit it. One thing's for certain, forcing them to confront the latter will not make them feel more positive. Thus all this gay pride stuff is not going to help, it's just virtue signalling "preaching to the converted", if anything it's counter productive.

Delicious irony part 3567 In this hypocritical authoritarian world of ours, Liberal types think they are being Liberal by telling everyone else how they should think..... 

First of all, you can't encourage someone to be gay in the same way that people don't turn gay by seeing/meeting gays. They either are (or are bi) or they aren't.


Gay men's sperm works just as well as straight men's sperm does. A gay son is just as capable of producing an offspring that is every bit as biologically related to you as a straight son is.


Some people are not comfortable seeing mixed race hetero couples kissing. Your discomfort at seeing gay couples kissing deserves as little consideration as their discomfort does.


As a follow up to Zinger's question, if your son turns out to be gay, would you still want him to produce grandkids?

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2 hours ago, Jack Grey said:

Everyone has the right to be who ever they want to be just as long as it doesn't break the law or encroach on other people's rights.


Like the Sheffield trans lady who looks like a man in a dress demanded that she use the womens changing room at the Mercure hotel


This also the trans woman who walked through the changing rooms at Ponds Forge whole young girls were getting changed


Demanding that they use changing rooms should be denied because of the safety of others

Agreed, that’s why you’re the forums numero uno Walter Mitty character!

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43 minutes ago, The_DADDY said:

I don't believe that's what @Chekhov said. 

My Bold..

Mel said "theres still plenty in this world that hate them just for existing,"

That's the part Chekhov replied to. 


I responded to his first line in the colour purple,    on saying that I have probably met plenty of people and not known if they are gay or not, simply because it doesn't bother me if they are or not. 

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9 minutes ago, PRESLEY said:
11 minutes ago, PRESLEY said:

    on saying that I have probably met plenty of people and not known if they are gay or not, simply because it doesn't bother me if they are or not. 


This is the point why we do not need all the demonstrations etc.

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6 hours ago, Jack Grey said:

I'd support a gay pride event in Saudi or somewhere like Morocco 


Id even support one in Bradford or Luton


But they wouldn't dare doing it in any of those places 


What ironic is that the lefties hate Israel but they have a pride march every year where as homosexuality is illegal in Palestine 

The Bradford Pride event this year was three weeks ago, on July 8th.  I understand that Westy/Axe's favourites, the Cheeky Girls, were headlining.



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21 hours ago, Axe said:

I reckon it was a waste of £17,000 of taxpayer's money.  Enough said.

I'm sure there are lots wastes of taxpayers money going on every day that you've not highlighted. 

So why pick on this?

LGBT people are tax and rate payers like everyone else.

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7 minutes ago, harvey19 said:

This is the point why we do not need all the demonstrations etc.

'all the demonstrations' . The parades - not 'demonstrations'  - are usually over in a few hours, although the biggest (and best), in Brighton is a 3/4 day well organised, marshalled and controlled one. I have attended probably 11 or 12 in the past years, and apart from the massive crowds which I don't like, they have been a breath of fresh air.


99.99% of those taking part are there for the fun, although you do get a few 'extreme' individuals, who know to keep in the sidelines. I have felt perfectly safe, as have the thousands of others that line the parade route, and attend the parties/concerts afterwards,


I have also met some genuinely great people and made good friends with a number of the regular attendees - they are some of the nicest people I know - and don't have horns. 😄

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