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'It's Acceptable To Park On Cycle Lanes, Curbs And Pavements'- Parking Services

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I work in the building next to the "parked" car and all it would have taken is for the parking officer to turn right onto Norfolk Street and pull in.  They didn't have to park on a pavement/cycle lane at all.  The busy argument doesn't hold water either.  As it's obviously at night and fairly quiet!  Even though I understand what Planner1 is saying the crux of it to me is she was being lazy - didn't think anything of parking where she liked and when challenged became a bit of a jobsworth.

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3 hours ago, Andy_terrier said:

I work in the building next to the "parked" car and all it would have taken is for the parking officer to turn right onto Norfolk Street and pull in.  They didn't have to park on a pavement/cycle lane at all.  The busy argument doesn't hold water either.  As it's obviously at night and fairly quiet!  Even though I understand what Planner1 is saying the crux of it to me is she was being lazy - didn't think anything of parking where she liked and when challenged became a bit of a jobsworth.

Why can;t they walk around the City . The job would be much more efficient .

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2 hours ago, cuttsie said:

Why can;t they walk around the City . The job would be much more efficient .

They do walk around the city, but at night, there is greater potential for conflict situations to arise, so for their safety, they need to be able to exit an area quickly, hence the vehicle.

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1 minute ago, Planner1 said:

They do walk around the city, but at night, there is greater potential for conflict situations to arise, so for their safety, they need to be able to exit an area quickly, hence the vehicle.

So Sheffield is a no go area at night .

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5 hours ago, Andy_terrier said:

I work in the building next to the "parked" car and all it would have taken is for the parking officer to turn right onto Norfolk Street and pull in.  They didn't have to park on a pavement/cycle lane at all.  The busy argument doesn't hold water either.  As it's obviously at night and fairly quiet!  Even though I understand what Planner1 is saying the crux of it to me is she was being lazy - didn't think anything of parking where she liked and when challenged became a bit of a jobsworth.

If you weren’t there, and haven’t discussed it with the people involved, you can’t really say what alternative locations were available, or why they didn’t use them.


As mentioned before, the CEO’s have to consider their own safety and position their vehicle accordingly.


Personally I think this debate has been done to death and I can’t see why it’s being dragged up again, months later.

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2 minutes ago, cuttsie said:

So Sheffield is a no go area at night .

Has anyone said or implied that?


There are more people about in the evening who have had some drinks etc, so it is prudent to consider the safety of staff who go out into potential conflict situations.

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1 minute ago, Planner1 said:

Has anyone said or implied that?


There are more people about in the evening who have had some drinks etc, so it is prudent to consider the safety of staff who go out into potential conflict situations.

You implied it ,

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9 hours ago, 26b-6 said:

Why does posting on old threads bother you? Or is it something else  been exposed which irks you....


Even a blind-person can see the dangers.  If you believe parking in a cycle lane and pavement on a dangerous corner on a busy city street is acceptable and causing no obstructions, then you should not be driving either.  





What irks me is you dragging up months old discussions that have been done to death already.


It wasn't busy at the time of the incident and no one was endangered that I could see. Read the thread, it’s all been discussed at length.

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7 minutes ago, Planner1 said:

If you weren’t there, and haven’t discussed it with the people involved, you can’t really say what alternative locations were available, or why they didn’t use them.


You are of course correct but on the video you can clearly see it isn't busy and the alternative location is literally 5 yards to the right.  During the day that bit of road is always available to pull up on and available.  Why is it so difficult to believe she was just being a bit awkward and parked where she liked?

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