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Are Women Being Encouraged To Be Fat?

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8 minutes ago, RollingJ said:

and the other point - which you, and others ignore - metabolic rate?

It's impossible to measure outside a laboratory, so don't see how mentioning it helps anyone


Calorie counting is the best way for anyone wanting to lose weight - measuring it over time will give an indication of BMR.


The 2000/2500 calories a day recommendations are based on an adult of average weight, if you're above that weight you'll use up more calories.

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47 minutes ago, PRESLEY said:

Keep off the bread, keep off chips. Cerial in a morning, tin of soup for dinner, any meat and veg for tea, no supper,  and you can get bladderd every  friday and saturday night but there is a catch,  you have too walk 2 laps around Rothervalley every day,  monday to friday, it works for me . :thumbsup:

Forget the walking,  have something like scrambled egg for breakfast,   just before 1pm go for a  siesta,  so then you can have a BLT or soup at about 3pm,  then get tea ready,  jacket potato/grated cheese,  or salad.


Go to bed between 10/11pm so you don't snack or drink too much.

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17 minutes ago, cressida said:

Forget the walking,  have something like scrambled egg for breakfast,   just before 1pm go for a  siesta,  so then you can have a BLT or soup at about 3pm,  then get tea ready,  jacket potato/grated cheese,  or salad.


Go to bed between 10/11pm so you don't snack or drink too much.

The walking or running and even swimming is good for you and  burns off the calories and gives you stamina its better than vegitating in an armchair. :hihi:

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11 minutes ago, cressida said:

Forget the walking,  have something like scrambled egg for breakfast,   just before 1pm go for a  siesta,  so then you can have a BLT or soup at about 3pm,  then get tea ready,  jacket potato/grated cheese,  or salad.


Go to bed between 10/11pm so you don't snack or drink too much.

I'm lucky in one respect, I don't particularly like food, its just fuel, like putting petrol in a car.

I go to my daughters about once a month for my Sunday dinner, I always enjoy it but feel full and bloated afterwards..

I've converted one of my bedrooms into a mini-gym, rowing machine, exercise bike and weights.

My Achilles heel is Beer, I don't drink a lot, 3/4 cans, but it's every night in "Padders Bar"

I blame Thirsty, he always buys me a pint....


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2 minutes ago, Padders said:

I'm lucky in one respect, I don't particularly like food, its just fuel, like putting petrol in a car.

I go to my daughters about once a month for my Sunday dinner, I always enjoy it but feel full and bloated afterwards..

I've converted one of my bedrooms into a mini-gym, rowing machine, exercise bike and weights.

My Achilles heel is Beer, I don't drink a lot, 3/4 cans, but it's every night in "Padders Bar"

I blame Thirsty, he always buys me a pint....


I bet there is plenty of exercise performed in Padders bar Dungeon.  :hihi:

Edited by PRESLEY
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3 hours ago, fools said:

Clearly sugar does make you fat, if you eat too much of it. And it is addictive.


The difference being, that if you eat too much salad you become full and lose your appetite.


The buzz word these days, is ultra processed food. Even some poorer countries have more problems with obesity than the UK.

It is also about the person having control, but even that seems to be more lacking these days. But no problem, you can just take a pill that reduces your appetite.

I have just eaten half a pack of choc digestives, but I managed to control myself and stopped at half.

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18 minutes ago, El Cid said:

The difference being, that if you eat too much salad you become full and lose your appetite.


The buzz word these days, is ultra processed food. Even some poorer countries have more problems with obesity than the UK.

It is also about the person having control, but even that seems to be more lacking these days. But no problem, you can just take a pill that reduces your appetite.

I have just eaten half a pack of choc digestives, but I managed to control myself and stopped at half.

you'd have to feast on lettuce for some time to feel satiated, if there are carbs on the plate, they'll turn to sugars, no difference. Protein has the same calorie count as carbohydrates. Buzz words come and go.

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