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No More Babies?

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12 hours ago, hackey lad said:

There’s a looming solution to all of humanity’s problems — by 2045 most men may no longer be able to reproduce because...

...i'll be quite old by then. 


reckon i'll leave all that business to the younger lads.

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The birthrate's been dropping for years. In UK it's gone down from 2.4 children to 1.75 so that's quite a decrease and it's still falling. It's also falling around the world as women become more educated and autonomous. 

As social change increases everywhere more women are deciding not to have children. That's not a bad thing at the moment, but could be problematic in the future.

So it's not all down to a fall in fertility. But I like to think it's nature doing it's thing and naturally correcting years of overpopulation. 

Edited by Anna B
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1 hour ago, Anna B said:

The birthrate's been dropping for years. In UK it's gone down from 2.4 children to 1.75 so that's quite a decrease and it's still falling. It's also falling around the world as women become more educated and autonomous. 

As social change increases everywhere more women are deciding not to have children. That's not a bad thing at the moment, but could be problematic in the future.

So it's not all down to a fall in fertility. But I like to think it's nature doing it's thing and naturally correcting years of overpopulation. 

All you've stated is the birthrates per family


But the global population is exploding at an apocalyptic rate


Overpopulation is the cause of most of our current problems and they will get far worse in the future with wars being fought over natural resources, food and even water


But lefties prefer to focus on climate change because it means they can scream at white people when on reality the damage in being done in India, Africa and China 

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15 minutes ago, Jack Grey said:

But lefties prefer to focus on climate change because it means they can scream at white people when on reality the damage in being done in India, Africa and China 

I think my carbon foot print is probably higher than kids in Africa who haven't been born yet.


see? no screaming required, just a healthy dose of introspection.

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13 minutes ago, Jack Grey said:

All you've stated is the birthrates per family


But the global population is exploding at an apocalyptic rate


Overpopulation is the cause of most of our current problems and they will get far worse in the future with wars being fought over natural resources, food and even water


But lefties prefer to focus on climate change because it means they can scream at white people when on reality the damage in being done in India, Africa and China 

The lefties are the ones advocating providing women with the education and means to control their reproduction. It's typically righties who try to prevent that.


Anyway, as has been pointed out to you many times before, we have reached peak child, the world's population will stabilise in about 60 years. If you want it to happen sooner than that, you'll have to start denying health care to people so they die sooner.

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2 hours ago, cressida said:

It's heartbreaking to see on TV the little children in such distress,  is it mainly the fault of the male population not using conctraception?

I agree that seeing children in distress is heartbreaking, but the reason is not lack of contraception, it's poverty. 

In the poorest regions many of the children sadly die, so it makes sense to have large families so there are sufficient able bodies to till the land and provide food for the rest. There is no welfare safety net in these countries which is why people starve. As income and education rises, the need for large families diminishes, as it is doing where absolute poverty is eradicated.


Even in times of 'famine' food is often available, but unaffordable to some, in fact some of these countries still export food, which makes the prices rise during years of poor production. It's all linked into the Global network, food security and sustainability, and economics, which is the business of governments. The images we see of famine, whilst certainly real, do not tell the whole story. It's much more complicated than that, and not simply lack of food but lack of money to buy it. 


We live in a world of plenty, and waste millions of tons of food daily, (remember the 'food mountains' and 'wine lakes' in the early days of the EU?) But distribution depends on having the money to be able to afford it, as we are finding out in Britain today.


But then we're lucky enough to have food banks...

Edited by Anna B
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