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Excessive Online Security.

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21 hours ago, ECCOnoob said:

Well Gerald Ratner, maybe you shouldn't be running a business if you are the kind of person who thinks receiving a text message and entering a code to protect their online accounts, is too much effort.

Poor you.  Oh, the humanity.  It really must be such a burden just having to put a key in the door to open and lock up your shop twice a day everyday. Oh God how relentless.....

Your bank has a duty of care to protect their customers from the blindingly obvious shifting trend from physical thefts to cybercrime. If it's all sooo inconvenient, why didn't you choose one of the multiple other options to pay your VAT bill.

I bet you'd be the first to be kicking off at said bank if anything did happen to your money online..

>>Your bank has a duty of care to protect their customers <<


I detest that term "duty of care", because in my experience it is used an excuse for disproportionate over reaction.

They should scrap "duty of care" and replace it  with "reasonable care"


>>blindingly obvious shifting trend from physical thefts to cybercrime<<


Really ?

"Blindingly obvious" ?

Tell me "Mr Blindingly Obvious", who would pay any bill to the HMRC using a fraudulent means of payment ?

Who ?

And what do you think would happen if they did ?

Do you think there is any possibility their payment would be rejected when the fraud came to light and they'd then be caught ?

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4 minutes ago, Chekhov said:

>>Your bank has a duty of care to protect their customers <<


I detest that term "duty of care", because in my experience it is used an excuse for disproportionate over reaction.

They should scrap "duty of care" and replace it  with "reasonable care"


>>blindingly obvious shifting trend from physical thefts to cybercrime<<


Really ?

"Blindingly obvious" ?

Tell me "Mr Blindingly Obvious", who would pay any bill to the HMRC using a fraudulent means of payment ?

Who ?

And what do you think would happen if they did ?

Do you think there is any possibility their payment would be rejected when the fraud came to light and they'd then be caught ?

Get used to it or move to another country.


Those are your 2 options because life doesn't change to suit you. 

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20 minutes ago, Prettytom said:

Writing it in purple doesn’t make it any more sensible.

I wrote it in purple to distinguish the quote.

And it's perfectly sensible.

Actually to someone like you who is always in favour of any restriction on our lives or additional edicts, no matter how disproportionate, your response is entirely predictable.


But, if you are so sure you are right, how come you have not told us who would pay an HMRC bill with a fraudulent payment method ?

Someone with the intelligence of a frog ?

And if such an imbecile existed, what do what do you reckon is the chances they'd get away with it ?

Way under 1% I'd have thought ?


12 minutes ago, Delayed said:

Get used to it or move to another country.

Those are your 2 options because life doesn't change to suit you. 

Being a Leftie authoritarian you absolutely love all this kind of  disproportionate cobblers don't you ?

I'll bet you genuinely think the whole point of society is to subject us all to extra regulation and stuff "to keep us all safe".

In fact I bet that, during Covid, when disproportionate regulation and restriction to our lives reached it's apogee, you really thought society had reached its zenith : this is what civilisation is about....

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10 minutes ago, HeHasRisen said:

Maybe it needs a few graphs and charts. 

I doubt there are any stats for how many people pay the HMRC with a fraudulent payment method because only a  cretin would do so.

But if you, or anyone else, finds them, I'd be very interested to read them.

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5 minutes ago, Chekhov said:


Being a Leftie authoritarian you absolutely love all this kind of  disproportionate cobblers don't you ?

Ill bet you genuinely think the whole point of society is to subject us all to extra regulation and stuff "to keep us all safe".

I've not said I'm a leftie so stop lying .


I love the fact that all these normal everyday things make you and only you cry like a little baby. Then again I think you just do it for attention even if they attention is negative.


Youve a lot of growing up to do..

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3 hours ago, Chekhov said:


Tell you what, Mr Clevercloggs, you explain to me who would pay their VAT to HMRC (or their PAYE or their personal tax) using someone else's card or bank account.

I have thought about this one than once and get the same answer everytime : nobody.

There have been a number of occasions where I've paid a friend or family member's bill (not HMRC specifically) using my card online and they've given me the cash


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11 hours ago, Delayed said:

I've not said I'm a leftie so stop lying .

I love the fact that all these normal everyday things make you and only you cry like a little baby. Then again I think you just do it for attention even if they attention is negative.

Youve a lot of growing up to do..

So you aren't a Leftie ?

Well you are certainly an authoritarian, and Lib Dems aren't authoritarians, by definition.

Tory authoritarians are not unknown, but relatively rare.


Lefties (definition of socialism), though I think that defintion is excessively skewed towards nationalisatiin which is not really a major political issue any more. :


a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.

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42 minutes ago, Chekhov said:

So you aren't a Leftie ?Well you are certainly an authoritarian,



There's nothing authoritarian about understanding why rules are in place.


Have you ever considered that it's not others but you? 


You're happy to throw around labels for anyone that dates not to agree with you. 


So what would you call someone who thinks rules shouldn't apply to them just because they don't understand them? 

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2 hours ago, Delayed said:

So what would you call someone who thinks rules shouldn't apply to them just because they don't understand them? 

Examples please.

And don't try to get out of it, you are an authoritarian.

I cannot remember any thread or post where you did not support any rule or ban which was being discussed.

You love seeing people ordered about and their lives micromanaged by the powers that be.

You love it all and consider that the more rules regulations and bans there are about the better society is. During Covid you must have been literally creaming yourself.


2 hours ago, Delayed said:

Have you ever considered that it's not others but you? 

Err not really.

Most people didn't want to wear masks. Most parents want to take pics of their kids at significant moments in their lives. Most people want to be able to run a car and fly away abroad. 

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