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Excessive Online Security.

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14 minutes ago, Chekhov said:

Examples please.

And don't try to get out of it, you are an authoritarian.

Examples of what?


I don't make rules. I only understand them. I might not like them but it's tough.

14 minutes ago, Chekhov said:

I cannot remember any thread or post where you did not support any rule or ban which was being discussed.

Because all those threads are started by you and those rules and bans are based on common sense. 

14 minutes ago, Chekhov said:

You love seeing people ordered about and their lives micromanaged by the powers that be.

You love it all and consider that the more rules regulations and bans there are about the better society is.

Please stop trying to act like you know me. You know nothing about me only what I permit people to see on this forum. 

14 minutes ago, Chekhov said:


During Covid you must have been literally creaming yourself.

Creaming? What are you 12? 

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It has occurred to me that, rather than, apparently, some people just wanting to argue for the sake of it, there could be a breakdown in communication here.


I am not saying that no online card purchases should require a One Time Passcode (or other additional security).


What I am saying is that the banks online security software should have certain payees where this is not required, HMRC being one of the best examples, as it is quite plainly not needed for them. It's just extra hassle for no good reason.

You could even argue it is counter productive because people could think well if they use all that OTP stuff for transactions which obviously do not need them, then how essential is it ? 


On 12/08/2023 at 13:26, HeHasRisen said:

I don't think the banks particularly care if you are paying two grand to Ryanair or two grand to HMRC to be fair, it's treated exactly the same. 

Well it shouldn't be.

I thought we were supposed to live in an age of advanced algorithms and even AI ?

What is the point of all that IT cleverness ? Isn't it supposed to make our lives easier ?

Edited by Chekhov
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2 minutes ago, Chekhov said:

It has occurred to me that, rather than, apparently, some people just wanting to argue for the sake of it, there could be a breakdown in communication here.


I am not saying that no online card purchases should require a One Time Passcode (or other additional security).


What I am saying is that the banks online security software should have certain payees where this is not required, HMRC being one of the best examples, as it is quite plainly not needed for them. It's just extra hassle for no good reason.

You could even argue it is counter productive because people could think well if they use all that OTP stuff for transactions which obviously do not need them, then how essential is it ? 

But why? It's clearly based on value and not who the merchant is. 



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2 minutes ago, HeHasRisen said:

But why? It's clearly based on value and not who the merchant is. 

Oh, you mean they're using  AU (artificial unintelligence) ?


But it is not just based on the amount anyway.

My lad's school has gone "cashless", another unfortunate result of the Covid madness. (censored)

I had to pay £2 for a couple of seats for the school play (which we were banned from photographing, more absolute ballcox...), and the bank insisted on sending me a OTP !  Plus I obviously had to log on and go through all that cobblers as well. It'd have been far easier to just give the office £2 as I walked past it, which I do every school morning......

So,all that for a £2 transaction to the school for Gawd's sake : ARTIFICIAL UNINTELLIGENCE writ large.

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2 hours ago, Chekhov said:

It has occurred to me that, rather than, apparently, some people just wanting to argue for the sake of it, there could be a breakdown in communication here.


I am not saying that no online card purchases should require a One Time Passcode (or other additional security).


What I am saying is that the banks online security software should have certain payees where this is not required, HMRC being one of the best examples, as it is quite plainly not needed for them. It's just extra hassle for no good reason.

You could even argue it is counter productive because people could think well if they use all that OTP stuff for transactions which obviously do not need them, then how essential is it ? 


Well it shouldn't be.

I thought we were supposed to live in an age of advanced algorithms and even AI ?

What is the point of all that IT cleverness ? Isn't it supposed to make our lives easier ?

Does your bank know the name of the payee, other than knowing its HMRC? Is the person's name and other information  available to the bank via the HMRC systems in real time to confirm the identity of the payee and the account holder are the same?


What if I hacked your bank account and decided to pay my tax bill from it? How does the bank know its my tax bill and not yours, without a detailed identity check of who the HMRC thinks the tax bill belongs to? 


Can HMRC even legally provide that information to the bank for an identity check?

Edited by Bargepole23
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2 hours ago, Chekhov said:

Oh, you mean they're using  AU (artificial unintelligence) ?


But it is not just based on the amount anyway.

My lad's school has gone "cashless", another unfortunate result of the Covid madness. (censored)

I had to pay £2 for a couple of seats for the school play (which we were banned from photographing, more absolute ballcox...), and the bank insisted on sending me a OTP !  Plus I obviously had to log on and go through all that cobblers as well. It'd have been far easier to just give the office £2 as I walked past it, which I do every school morning......

So,all that for a £2 transaction to the school for Gawd's sake : ARTIFICIAL UNINTELLIGENCE writ large.

Were you unable to pay the £2 with a contactless payment card?

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Is it Artificial unintelligence or just your own? 

Usually the OTP system only kicks in for the first few payments to any particular merchant, after that then localised checks (passwords/PIN/Biometrics) are deemed sufficient if the payments are regular. 

Irregular or new merchants are treated with suspicion purely because of the level of online scams and the stupidity of the general public. 


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3 hours ago, HeHasRisen said:

How terrible for you. 

Maybe move to a country with more lax banking regulation? 

How does your post answer my point that it is an inflexible blanket system that implies the banks security software is from the 1980s. ? 


>>>HeHasRisen said:
But why? It
[the requirement for extra security] is clearly based on value and not who the merchant is.<<<


>>Chekhov said :

It is not just based on the amount anyway.

My lad's school has gone "cashless", another unfortunate result of the Covid madness. (censored)

I had to pay £2 for a couple of seats for the school play (which we were banned from photographing, more absolute ballcox...), and the bank insisted on sending me a OTP !  Plus I obviously had to log on and go through all that cobblers as well. It'd have been far easier to just give the office £2 as I walked past it, which I do every school morning......

So, all that for a £2 transaction to the school for Gawd's sake : ARTIFICIAL UNINTELLIGENCE writ large.<<

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