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Man In 70s Stabbed To Death In Sheffield Park

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12 hours ago, The_DADDY said:

Hmmm, that's grim. 

Clearly this woman has been failed by the system. 

I can hear  the authorities now, «  we’re very sorry, lessons have been learnt, we’ve introduced new systems and we’re looking at staff training « 

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13 hours ago, HeHasRisen said:

Well yes I suppose you could call escaping from a facility a failure of the system, if that is what has actually happened here. 

Either way, whether escaped from facility or living in the community if , as appears to be the case , she was known to the mental health services,  then by definition it’s a failure of the system. 

To be honest the info on here could be well off the mark

Edited by Ridgewalk
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10 hours ago, top4718 said:

I've worked in secure units and they are just that, I don't see how someone could just "walk out", she may have been somewhere that wasn't secure enough for her obviously very troubled condition. 

She may have been there voluntarily, not under a s3. 


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