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Looking For Claire Hughes, Ex-Handsworth Grange School (1980s)

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Hello there to all 1980s folks with a bit of magic in their hearts!..... I am looking for Claire Hughes, ex of Handsworth Grange School and Ballifield School before then - which I also attended. She was very kind to me when things got rough, and perhaps I didn't show enough appreciation. I wrote a letter to where I thought she lived now, but I think I got the wrong address. I am NOT living in the past, as you can see from the letter. Far from it. This is part of what I put in the letter, minus a few very personal details.


"Although I’m trying to develop a community media project with some supportive people, very much in the present day, I am also reflecting back on my school days, on people I’ve missed very much - trying to put few things right that have perplexed me now for years.


Assuming I have got the right person, then you may wonder – why now, after all these years? We both have our own lives now, and today’s world can seem very different. Well, for some reason, despite us often being in the wrong place at the wrong time for getting better acquainted, you made quite a strong, lasting and special impression on me, and I thought you were lovely and kind to me. We both seemed to like each other. I hope you are happy and well, settled in your home, whether you live alone or with a family.

I know I should have tried doing this much earlier, but to be honest, even after my university years, things were a bit chaotic really up until very recently, and, as a person with a hidden disability – and poor handwriting - I wasn’t as confident as I am now, so I would probably have made a mess of things. I hope you are curious – at the very least – to see how things have turned out, every bit as much as I am. I have always believed (and still believe) that magical things can happen, if only you put your mind to it.


I am glad to finally get all this off my chest, and if you do decide to get in touch, then I would, of course, be delighted."

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