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The Woke Virus

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1 minute ago, Prettytom said:

Thats an entirely different problem though.


Its one thing to update design of buildings. Its quite another to change existing ones in a satisfactory way.

It's not a different problem; it's the more immediate of a set of related issues stemming from a single problem.  Women will always require single-sex spaces; the demand to remove those spaces, or access to them, is current and ongoing.  The short-term issue is how to accommodate that demand most effectively and efficiently in places where the solution must usually be a form of modification and enforced compromise.

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3 minutes ago, Al Bundy said:

How's about men use men's toilets and women use women's toilets, like we have been doing all along.



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On 23/01/2024 at 13:55, Hecate said:

... I think people are rather more aware now of what's happened with Stonewall and its influence on educational establishments than they were in 2021 (see, for example, Professor Jo Phoenix and her recent win against the bullying misogynists at the OU).

An excellent piece here, again, from Sonia Sodha in The Observer on the Jo Phoenix/OU tribunal: Vindictive, cowardly leaders bowed to the gender bullies and failed Jo Phoenix.



Not only did the Open University allow this harassment campaign to proceed unaddressed, it put out one-sided statements that implied there was a legitimate basis for concern. It is clear from this judgment that, if employers take their lead from organisations like Stonewall, whose chief lobbying tactic is to depict gender-critical belief as inherently hateful, they risk finding themselves on the wrong side of the law, and if activist employees fling around baseless insults like “transphobic” and “terf”, that could amount to unlawful workplace discrimination.


The OU has apologised unreservedly.

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At a time when British Transport Police state that a third of women report being victims of sexual harassment or sexual offences while commuting by train or tube, it's probably best to ensure that one of the men (of course) at the forefront of making London Bridge station a welcoming and safe space (but not for women, apparently) is not such a colossal bell end prone to posting the most spectacularly misogynistic bile on Twitter.

From the excellent Suzanne Moore:




All of this faff is apparently to symbolise, according the station manager Cem Davies, that the station is an inclusive place to be in and work in. Rightio! It turns out one of the blokes most proud of the Pride Pillar, Shane Andrews MBE, has an unfortunate history of tweeting utterly vile remarks about women. None of this comes as any great surprise to those of us who have watched the dullard embrace of this kind of activism .

The one thing that these guys do not care about are the rights, safety and experience of women - that is so old hat. So many corporates signal their progressive intentions by embracing this performative flag-waving instead of addressing actual issues of inequality and discrimination in the workplace.



Inevitably, this fine specimen of inclusion and kindness is also on the judging panel for this year's Women In Rail awards.  Superb. 

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Are they really getting rid of the Fat Controller in the latest (and crappest) version of Thomas The Tank Engine ?


I went off that prog when they got rid of those fantastic models, it was worth watching it just for them....

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