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The Woke Virus

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People and animals fornicate.


In many many ways.


I don't see why showing them dirty pictures of reality enhances their education, unless  they reach an age where they choose to pursue that particular area of biology/anthropology.


Time spent on education children ios a very precious commodity.


It should be managed to it's optimum benefit!


See Dick and Jane


Or see Dick and Jane and Rover!  ?

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2 minutes ago, trastrick said:

People and animals fornicate.


In many many ways.


I don't see why showing them dirty pictures of reality enhances their education, unless  they reach an age where they choose to pursue that particular area of biology/anthropology.


Time spent on education children ios a very precious commodity.


It should be managed to it's optimum benefit!


See Dick and Jane


Or see Dick and Jane and Rover!  ?

Technically speaking, it's not fornication if they are married...and 2 homosexuals can marry these days. 😉

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1 minute ago, Irene Swaine said:

Technically speaking, it's not fornication if they are married...and 2 homosexuals can marry these days. 😉

I'm talking about those depictions of disgusting practises that are available to kids on the internet, just a click away.


And you never hear of the woke/Left protesting that disinformation :)




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Just now, trastrick said:

I'm talking about those depictions of disgusting practises that are available to kids on the internet, just a click away.


And you never hear of the woke/Left protesting that disinformation :)




We have to take the gender/sexuality out of the equation to consider if it is acceptible to show sexual fetishes to children. The answer is, no, it is not acceptable. The safeguarding team at Hull children's services need sacking.

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I've seen people suggesting GBN as a serious news channel. I've watched it quite a lot on catch-up (I refuse to pay the BBC tax), more as a comedy show than a serious news channel. They give very brief updates on news updates, but spend most of the time discussing whether people are woke, hug trees, wear sandals, eat lentils etc. And I feel sorry who might dare to look like Swampy. MP' shouldn't be allowed to have their own shows on real news channels.

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29 minutes ago, A.B.Yaffle said:

I've seen people suggesting GBN as a serious news channel. I've watched it quite a lot on catch-up (I refuse to pay the BBC tax), more as a comedy show than a serious news channel. They give very brief updates on news updates, but spend most of the time discussing whether people are woke, hug trees, wear sandals, eat lentils etc. And I feel sorry who might dare to look like Swampy. MP' shouldn't be allowed to have their own shows on real news channels.

TalkRadio is much better and not as tabloid 


I love Julia Hartley Brewer and Mike Graham 

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3 hours ago, leviathan13 said:

'It's not compulsory reading...'


But you're homophobic if you have a problem with your child reading it!


That's how the argument goes these days.


And i have no problem with children learning that gay people exist... just maybe don't do it in an overly sexualised way, as if promoting them as sexual deviants.

Richard Dawkins had an interesting article in the Evening Standard recently, prompted by people flagging this tweet of his as offensive:



“Sex is not the same as gender.”
But it’s not your gender that gives you the physique to tower over woman athletes & break their swimming records. It’s your sex. It’s not your undressed gender that upsets women in changing rooms. It’s your sex. You can’t eat your cake & have it.

Twitter dismissed the complaint.


Here's the article: How can we have a proper debate when we no longer speak the same language?



I’m sure the complainant was sincere. And that’s my point. A certain type of activist has a level of paranoid hypersensitivity that almost literally warps their hearing. You can say ,“I disagree with you for the following reasons.” But all they actually hear is “Hate hate hate!” So instead of putting a counter-argument (which I would be interested to hear), they resort to censorship. All too often it goes further, and they boil over in virulent abuse: “Transphobe! TERF!”

The interview he did with Helen Joyce, that he mentions in the article, is worth watching.


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4 hours ago, leviathan13 said:

'It's not compulsory reading...'


But you're homophobic if you have a problem with your child reading it!


That's how the argument goes these days.


And i have no problem with children learning that gay people exist... just maybe don't do it in an overly sexualised way, as if promoting them as sexual deviants.

I agree with this.

And although I'm no prude, some gay people should reflect on how they dress. But there again, they're the ones that aren't complaining if they are perceived as deviants.

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