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On 07/09/2023 at 04:40, Organgrinder said:

Why ?   You have never been in any trenches.  Does that mark you as feminine ?

Only to you, Orgy.


Lots of women willing to go into the trenches these days.


Speaking of which:


You say you are a Pacifist, how would you get into a trench?

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17 hours ago, RJRB said:

And what is the dream of the Capitalist/Fascists 🙂It’s usually world domination on the backs of most of the population as labour or cannon fodder.

No, It's a society in which everybody has an equal chance of success if one is willing to put in the effort.


People like Obama who got the top job in the World twice. Michele who consistently tops the most admired women's list, along with folks like Oprah, the richest AND most influential woman in America.


And countless others in politics, journalism, culture, Hollywood, music, sports who have achieved wealth and fortune beyond their wildest dreams, from low walks of life.


Or in my country, where the family unit supports each other in the work of the day. Up in the hills we go out with the whole family to pick wild fruit, and beans and squashes then sit around the table on the porch and everybody from old to young helps the with the bean podding, while laughing and enjoying life.


Ever see a two years old trying to get beans out of a pod, like her mother does? :)


It's hard work for the young ones to help out with watering and raising the lemon tree seedling they sell in the markets.


But no danger from  government inspectors carting off Grandma and Gramps, for license infractions, not paying minimum wage, or offenses against the Child Labor Act. 


No, I wouldn't call them fascists! :)


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2 hours ago, RJRB said:

Neither would I any more than I would bracket Socialists along with Communists or Trots.

There's a major flaw in your comparison.


There's no such thing as a legally sanctioned Fascist party, nor should there be. based on the inhuman hell they visited on the World.


But the Communists, who arguably have been responsible for more atrocity and genocide, are free to operate in,  and recruit members of, Western countries, including the U.S., rge U.K. and Canada. So it's not hard to fathom there are a lot of Communist sympathizers active in the West.


Notwithstanding the fact they are the enemies of Democracy, and even now, are supporting your great Satan, Putin in his invasion of the Ukraine.


(As are the Cubans and South Africans, the West helped to "free" !)


Where's the outrage, the marches, the pickets,  against the Communists?


Why is it verbooten for politicians and the Media to call out Communists? 



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You might not have noticed, but we now have two main parties that have very little difference between them. 

In other words it's not going to make much difference who you vote for, we have become a one party state. 

Democracy is dead.

More importantly who is pulling the strings of the parties? 

Who are the big Donors, and apart from power, what do they want?


Are we walking into a World Government; as predicted by the New World Order, and others. 

Many of the recent 'problems' such as the Pandemic and climate change can only be tackled globally.  

Do you trust them to do it?

We are hearing about more and more 'Summits' and meetings like the Bilderberg  Conference etc.

What about the one's we don't get to hear about?

Edited by Anna B
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1 hour ago, Prettytom said:

Are you seriously asking us to comment on something that we don’t know anything about?


Most people steer clear of doing that….

All I'm saying here is that things go on behind closed doors that we know nothing about. It's done in secret even if it affects our lives fundamentally, until we are faced with a fait accompli...

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6 hours ago, trastrick said:

There's a major flaw in your comparison.


There's no such thing as a legally sanctioned Fascist party, nor should there be. based on the inhuman hell they visited on the World.


But the Communists, who arguably have been responsible for more atrocity and genocide, are free to operate in,  and recruit members of, Western countries, including the U.S., rge U.K. and Canada. So it's not hard to fathom there are a lot of Communist sympathizers active in the West.


Notwithstanding the fact they are the enemies of Democracy, and even now, are supporting your great Satan, Putin in his invasion of the Ukraine.


(As are the Cubans and South Africans, the West helped to "free" !)


Where's the outrage, the marches, the pickets,  against the Communists?


Why is it verbooten for politicians and the Media to call out Communists? 



You are being very literal.

Whether we are talking about the US or U.K., no party bearing the name Fascist or Communist would win an influential number of representatives.

That is why they infiltrate the major parties .

Once again you come down heavily on the side of the far right,where you don’t seem to see any great issue,whereas you see reds under the bed as being a major threat.

I am not going to enter into a debate as to which extremist group has been responsible for most atrocities in world history.

However as things stand today I see far more issues arising from the rise in the far right particularly in the States where Trump has harnessed their various organisations as part of his power base.


Where is it forbidden for the media to call out Communism


I would bet that the FBI continues to hold files on those deemed to be anti American,

but fortunately no modern day McCarthy or Hoover has yet emerged

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10 hours ago, Padders said:

To be honest Daddy, whenever I see a post from Irene I have to click on it.

Seems I'm not alone either.

I find her controversial, intelligent (yes intelligent) when she wants to be.

Sometimes a bit barmy, wicked sense of humour, very entertaining, also, compared to some on here, exceptionally very polite..

I was the same with Rich, wish he'd come back.

Whether you like them or not, these are the type of posters that keep the forum alive, yourself included...

Such beautiful words, thank you. 🥰

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