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57 minutes ago, hackey lad said:

If you need any advice just ask , after all its well known I am the forums God of lurve.

Cheers Hackey...

Can I give you some advice, In fact a warning..

I've just found summat out, and it sent a shiver down my spine..

I'll put in the spoiler so that anyone with a nervous disposition can avoid it...





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9 hours ago, RJRB said:

You are being very literal.

Whether we are talking about the US or U.K., no party bearing the name Fascist or Communist would win an influential number of representatives.

That is why they infiltrate the major parties .

Once again you come down heavily on the side of the far right,where you don’t seem to see any great issue,whereas you see reds under the bed as being a major threat.

I am not going to enter into a debate as to which extremist group has been responsible for most atrocities in world history.

However as things stand today I see far more issues arising from the rise in the far right particularly in the States where Trump has harnessed their various organisations as part of his power base.


Where is it forbidden for the media to call out Communism


I would bet that the FBI continues to hold files on those deemed to be anti American,

but fortunately no modern day McCarthy or Hoover has yet emerged



Travelled a lot, I 've met one fascist in my life!


Communists are everywhere in the World Billions of them.


They are in the West, in the Unions, academia, government bureaucracy, the environmental movements, BLM, and nobody bats an eye! :)


Even embedded with left wing politicians serving on House and Senate Intelligence Committees"






Opinion | Explain the Chinese spy, Sen. Feinstein

Washington Post

https://www.washingtonpost.com › 2018/08/09

Aug 9, 2018 — Imagine if it emerged that the Republican chairman of the House or Senate intelligence committee had a Russian spy working on their staff




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3 hours ago, trastrick said:



Travelled a lot, I 've met one fascist in my life!


Communists are everywhere in the World Billions of them.






Still obsessing with labels and failing to recognise the existence of the many far right sympathisers around the word.

Much of the irrational hatred and divisiveness in societies are vested in these people,who you don’t seemto think exist.....because you have only met one fascist🤪




Edited by RJRB
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4 hours ago, RJRB said:


Still obsessing with labels and failing to recognise the existence of the many far right sympathisers around the word.

Much of the irrational hatred and divisiveness in societies are vested in these people,who you don’t seemto think exist.....because you have only met one fascist🤪




Don't look now, but there are billions of Communists supporting Putin's war, including, the Left's dear pals, Cuba and South Africa.  :)


They are not hiding under the bed, they are running most of the World!  :)



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1 minute ago, trastrick said:

Don't look now, but there are billions of Communists supporting Putin's war, including, the Left's dear pals, Cuba and South Africa.  :)


There are Communist regimes and Capitalist regimes and Autocracies and Democracies.

There are billions of people living their own mundane lives under various political systems.

I doubt that billions support Putins war but that is the the current international crisis.

Over history there have been many instances of the left against the ambitions of the far right.

As a supporter of democracy I am staggered that you are an advocate for Trump .

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7 hours ago, trastrick said:

Don't look now, but there are billions of Communists supporting Putin's war, including, the Left's dear pals, Cuba and South Africa.  :)


They are not hiding under the bed, they are running most of the World!  :)



There is even a Tory Party who aren't ashamed of taking money from Russians with links to Putin:

Revealed: The Tories are still receiving funds from Russia-linked donors - Good Law Project

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