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Do Sheffield City Council Have Something Against Roundabouts ?

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15 hours ago, Planner1 said:

Irrespective of what you think, the official way of categorising road traffic accidents has been in place for decades. I remember it as far back as the early 1980’s.

Its an objective way of categorising, based on the outcomes in terms of injuries sustained.

Your categorisation is subjective, based on third hand accounts. They aren’t going to change an established national system that’s been operating just fine for a long time just because you don’t like it.

Why would they want to create a centralised portal? If you have a concern and you have footage, you send it to your local police. It’s simple, there’s no need to complicate it. You might also perhaps consider that your suggestion of everyone spying on each other and reporting any transgressions to the authorities might be seen as rather distasteful by many.

>>They aren’t going to change an established national system that’s been operating just fine for a long time just because you don’t like it.<<


Well actually it has not, because a year or two after that serious accident someone was killed there......


>>Why would they want to create a centralised portal? If you have a concern and you have footage, you send it to your local police. It’s simple, there’s no need to complicate it. You might also perhaps consider that your suggestion of everyone spying on each other and reporting any transgressions to the authorities might be seen as rather distasteful by many.<<


It has to be easy.

And in any case some of the footage might well have been taken out of your local area.


>>your suggestion of everyone spying on each other and reporting any transgressions to the authorities might be seen as rather distasteful by many<<

Sorry, we are talking about people doing something illegal, and which puts other people in significant danger.

I would not have a problem with it.

People's lack of knowledge of risk probability constantly shocks me. Apparently some people are worried about people videoing their kids at a swimming gala (I say apparently, because I have never met one myself), something from which their kids are at so little risk it is not even statistically quantifiable. But those same parents are quite happy to drive their kids here there and everywhere in their car (often speeding whilst they are doing it ! ) something which is statistically significantly dangerous..... 

Edited by Chekhov
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On 12/12/2023 at 08:37, Bargepole23 said:

>>Chekhov saidall the traffic from well over 100 houses would now be have to go up Bedford Rd and turn sharp left down Cockshutts, and all the cars coming in the other direction had to execute a sharp right hand turn. <<


Absolute Nightmare!

I could not help thinking about your smart Alec answer as I was stuck at that junction today.....


I had driven up Cockshutts but could not turn right onto Bedford Rd as an ambulance was executing a three point turn at the junction.

Once he'd turned round he could not get past me because, err, there were cars parked up the narrow point of Cockshutts. So he flashed me to turn right in front of him, which I did. But I could not turn wide because the ambulance was there thus I could also not stay on the left hand side of the road because, err, there were cars parked on the left at the junction. Just as I was nearly round the blind junction a car came up, in the middle of the road as there were, err, cars parked on his left as well.

That car was not of a mind to reverse as he thought I had come round the corner on the wrong side of the road and therefore it should be me reversing, but that would have involved me backing out round a junction, a tight blind junction, on the wrong side of the road.

So, all in all, as regards everyday car manoeuvres, it was an "absolute nightmare".


If only those highways engineers, who you think never make mistakes, had thought to put double yellows around the top junction on Bedford Rd when they blocked off the bottom......

Edited by Chekhov
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