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Maui Fire: First Victims Named As Death Toll Reaches 106

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Hmmm, no warning sirens, people allegedly prevented from leaving the area by 'police officers', rich peoples mansions still standing practically untouched whilst the plebs homes and businesses were gutted. 

Probably nothing to worry about though 🤔

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1 hour ago, The_DADDY said:

Hmmm, no warning sirens, people allegedly prevented from leaving the area by 'police officers', rich peoples mansions still standing practically untouched whilst the plebs homes and businesses were gutted. 

Probably nothing to worry about though 🤔

I read that the warning sirens are meant to alert people to tsunamis and the standing advice on hearing them is to head for the hills - which would have resulted in people heading towards the fires.


Lots of reports of rich people's mansions being untouched neglect to mention that those mansions are not on Maui but other Hawaiian islands that haven't had fires or such extensive ones. There's also the small point that most of Maui, including its largest population centre, hasn't burned. Check where those rich people's mansions are before jumping to conclusions.


Even then, there are too many variables such as local geography, prevailing winds, etc. to decide everywhere in a particular area should have been affected.

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Just now, altus said:

I read that the warning sirens are meant to alert people to tsunamis and the standing advice on hearing them is to head for the hills - which would have resulted in people heading towards the fires.


Lots of reports of rich people's mansions being untouched neglect to mention that those mansions are not on Maui but other Hawaiian islands that haven't had fires or such extensive ones. There's also the small point that most of Maui, including its largest population centre, hasn't burned. Check where those rich people's mansions are before jumping to conclusions.


Even then, there are too many variables such as local geography, prevailing winds, etc. to decide everywhere in a particular area should have been affected.

My bold

I hear the guy in charge (emergency chief i think its called) of sounding the alert system has resigned. 

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6 minutes ago, The_DADDY said:

My bold

I hear the guy in charge (emergency chief i think its called) of sounding the alert system has resigned. 

People are allowed to resign if they wish,

He couldn't win   -   it's another blame game.      The sirens are for tsunamis and therefore tell people to get away from the sea.

In the case of fire, they needed to go Towards the sea.


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Just now, Organgrinder said:


The sirens are for tsunamis and therefore tell people to get away from the sea.

In the case of fire, they needed to go Towards the sea.


Yet many locals claim the sirens would have alerted them to the danger and more people would have survived. 

People aren't thick. A 'tsunami' siren goes off, wakes people up, they see a wall of fire and then run in the opposite direction. 



3 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:

People are allowed to resign if they wish,He couldn't win   -   it's another blame game.     


But wait, if the siren is ONLY for tsunamis then  he 'did his job correctly' so why resign so soon after? 

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1 minute ago, The_DADDY said:

Yet many locals claim the sirens would have alerted them to the danger and more people would have survived. 

People aren't thick. A 'tsunami' siren goes off, wakes people up, they see a wall of fire and then run in the opposite direction. 



How would they know it's not warning of a Tsunami at the same time?


They also have systems that warn via mobile phones are broadcasting on TV and radio - which were used.

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Just now, The_DADDY said:

Yet many locals claim the sirens would have alerted them to the danger and more people would have survived. 

People aren't thick. A 'tsunami' siren goes off, wakes people up, they see a wall of fire and then run in the opposite direction. 



Many locals may have thought that.  Many locals may have thought the opposite.

Some people are thick.  Some people are not thick.

Sounds as though the fire travelled so fast that it would have made little difference anyway.

The guy will have made a measured decision which I wouldn't argue with,   and is probably very very unhappy that "he just couldn't win"

We all know that the worlds full of clever clogs who could and would,  have done exactly the right thing,  at the right time,  with the right result        and saved everybody just like that.


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1 minute ago, altus said:

They also have systems that warn via mobile phones are broadcasting on TV and radio - which were used.

So the siren Could have been used effectively then. Siren goes off, wakes people up, they check the TV, Radio, mobile phone and get the relevant info from there.  They see its not a Tsunami and is infact a fire.

The point is a loud siren could have saved more lives in my humble opinion 

Just now, Organgrinder said:

Many locals may have thought that. 


Many Did think that. I've seen the interviews. 

1 minute ago, Organgrinder said:

Many locals may have thought the opposite.


That's guesswork 

2 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:


Some people are thick. 


Then a siren would have helped the thick ones? 

3 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:


The guy will have made a measured decision which I wouldn't argue with,   and is probably very very unhappy that "he just couldn't win"


More guesswork. 

If he did his job properly there would simply be no need to resign so soon after a 'good days work' yes? 

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