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Police Bribery?


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All Police Officers and members of Police Staff


Police officers and police staff should demonstrate the highest standards of integrity. In particular they should not compromise or abuse their position by soliciting the offer of gifts, gratuities, favours or hospitality in any way connected to or arising from their role within the police service, whether on or off duty.


Police officers and members of police staff should not accept the offer of any gift, gratuity, favour or hospitality unless the circumstances and considerations set out within this procedure are applicable, as to do so might compromise their impartiality or give rise to a perception of such compromise.


All police officers and members of staff must declare any offer of any unsolicited gift, gratuity, or hospitality offered in the course of their duties or in any way connected to or arising from their role within the Constabulary, through an on-line submission to the Force Register of Gifts, Gratuities & Hospitality within the Constabulary’s Business Service Centre. 


Submissions to the force Register should also be made in respect of any offer of any unsolicited gift, gratuity, or hospitality which is declined.


There is an individual responsibility on officers and members of staff to comply with this procedure in order to ensure personal and professional integrity; to prevent unwarranted allegations of corrupt practices or improper relationships with members of the public or corporate bodies; and to prevent any perceptions of a lack of partiality as a police officer or a member of staff or representative


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30 minutes ago, HeHasRisen said:

Are we really calling a coffee a bribe that needs declaring? Come on now. 

Sister used to work in a takeaway frequented by officers for their break food. They used to chuck extras in for free and at one point the got a letter from the local force commander telling them not to do so as it's seen as soliciting favours (aka bribery). The letter stated that they could be charged with bribing an officer. 

I'm not bothered either way, I just posted up the position from their own documentation, which I believe is from ACPO. 


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3 hours ago, crookesey said:

I’d have to fold it in order to get it into the car, would this constitute  it being a bent copper?   :huh:

Good point, but with many things being downsized these days (staff, size of my favourite chololate bars in multipacks etc etc.), why not have a smaller cutout - or possibly only head to waist - that may work.

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