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Drug Couriers Graves Park Area

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1 hour ago, Pyrotequila said:

For probably over a year we've been watching dealers come round our area, not even trying to hide the dealing and money exchanges.

We've noted registration numbers, descriptions of people, dates, times, the job lot... reported it to the police at least a dozen times, and yet the dealers are still at it, same cars and everything!

The police simply do not care.

Says it all really. 

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9 minutes ago, HeHasRisen said:

Bitcoin would be a sensible method...

True. Although it's not really used widely enough as things stand. I think you can also see transactions between digital wallets on the Bitcoin ledger thing, although you have to link the wallet to a person then.  With cash there's never a way of knowing who it changed hands from and to.

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regarding police levels they have gone up in recent years,but i agree its only replacing the amount thats been cut from the past,so for years the scum have been able to do what they want from being young and thats where it starts and were it needs to be stopped,but minus the wardens ,lack in amount of police needed,plus the woke of police joining in everything and letting illegal stuff go on,instead of the zero tolerance approach,they seem to never get caught and by the time they are caught its well down the line in years and then stupid judges with many chances,then its well we were aware they were bad we will have a inquiery when they kill or stab someone ,its a mess and needs sorting.but those police must really be sick of the judges who let off the offenders that injury the police,never mind the public.

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