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People Smugglers Showing Drunk And Scantily Clad British Girls In Social Media

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11 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:


Why are you both arguing about the media reports instead of arguing about the problem ?

We have 175,000 people, apparently seeking asylum and this number is going to keep growing because nobody can stop the boats.

We have a government who cannot process these people and determine whether they have a right to asylum.

We have a government that binned the Dublin agreement, which would have allowed us to send back  those who were refused asylum.

Consequently, we cannot deport anyone even when we decide that they shouldn't be here.

       A few big problems to sort out there and  you are arguing whether media reports are true or false or whether they are male or female.     Doesn't matter one way or the other

Because in terms of what we were discussing, that was a legitimate 'argument'. Your obsession with the rest of your post (is it a C&P job?) is bordering on stupid.

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11 minutes ago, Jack Grey said:

The French don't want them and aren't as soft as we are.



The French have already accepted twice as many asylum seekers than we have  therefore It's quite possible the French people are twice as fed up as we are.

In those circumstances,  it's not very fair to blame the French,  although it's natural that some people will share cressida's view.

Germany have also accepted a lot too so the problem is not just confined to us.  I predict that they will come in even greater numbers.


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16 minutes ago, cressida said:

The international community and press should be aghast at this,  and the charities,  the French won't stop the men from going but their should be more protests about the children and women boarding,  the French population are usually quick to protest,  shameful.


Yes,  it's possible governments may get even softer,  they cannot control the situation.

The only solution I can see is to grant the 175,000 asylum status but not citizensship


They will need to give us full details of who they are and where they are from


This will allow them to work and within 6 months they have to find a job and somewhere to live because that's when government support will end where they will have to leave their temporary accommodation and access to benefits will stop 


They are not allowed to be on any council housing lists or entitled to social housing 


They're families will not be looked to join them in the UK 


They will be assessed each year and if can be returned if their country is deemed safe. 


If they commit a crime that carries  a custodial sentence they will be deported to their country of origin upon release from prison


These terms apply to men only....women and children will still be given full support 


If they are not happy with this arrangement they can leave the UK and claim asylum somewhere else 


Edited by Jack Grey
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4 minutes ago, RollingJ said:

Because in terms of what we were discussing, that was a legitimate 'argument'. Your obsession with the rest of your post (is it a C&P job?) is bordering on stupid.

What's a C & P job ?

Ah,  you mean cut & Paste.

Why should I need to do that when I have kept repeating these words throughout and only changed the number as new figures emerge.


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3 minutes ago, RollingJ said:

Copy and paste -  'C&P' is an  accepted abbreviation, used extensively on the web.

Already figured it.     I never C & P because I never find it necessary due to the fact that I know what I'm talking about.

By the way,  my comments were not so stupid as arguing about which way media reports are slanted whilst ignoring the asylum seekers problem.

You have not said anything useful during the entire debate.  Just your usual,  try to pull the other posters down.


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7 minutes ago, Jack Grey said:

The only solution I can see is to grant the 175,000 asylum status but not citizensship

No one is granted citizenship status. It takes years of legitimate status before being eligible to apply for citizenship 

7 minutes ago, Jack Grey said:


They will need to give us full details of who they are and where they are from

They do this now

7 minutes ago, Jack Grey said:


This will allow them to work and within 6 months they have to find a job and somewhere to live because that's when government support will end where they will have to leave their temporary accommodation and access to benefits will stop 

You can't grant Asylum to someone with conditions to maintain in order to keep that asylum status. That's why they don't have to renew Asylum each year or 2 years. 


You accept they are unable to return to their country and grant Asylum. 



7 minutes ago, Jack Grey said:

They are not allowed to be on any council housing lists or entitled to social housing 

So your either advocating making people homeless or that they obtain a well paid job to get a mortgage?

7 minutes ago, Jack Grey said:

They're families will not be looked to join them in the UK 

We can't prevent families joining. Plus we don't actively split families. 

7 minutes ago, Jack Grey said:

They will be assessed each year and if can be returned if their country is deemed safe. 

Asylum is not temporary 

7 minutes ago, Jack Grey said:

If they commit a crime that carries  a custodial sentence they will be deported to their country of origin upon release from prison

That happens now but that depends on th circumstances of Asylum. 

7 minutes ago, Jack Grey said:

These terms apply to men only....women and children will still be given full support 

You can't set conditions based on genders 

7 minutes ago, Jack Grey said:


If they are not happy with this arrangement they can leave the UK and claim asylum somewhere else 


It's not a case of being happy it's a case of being legal. Those conditions are not legal. 

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2 hours ago, Delayed said:

They can come from anywhere really. And yes women and children could be oppressed 

Yes, with the cultural attitudes towards women  in the countries asylum seekers are fleeing from I’ve no doubt at all there are oppressed women.  But there aren’t boatloads and boatloads full of grinning and waving young women arriving though are there. 
***And just to be absolutely clear, I’m not saying there are no female asylum seekers, I’m saying they are arriving in much smaller numbers***

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1 hour ago, Delayed said:

Lol. I've explained we won't stop the boats. No government will be able to achieve this. 

No. That's what you're saying. 

I help these people 

They would but out population isn't likely to be angry at seeing a smiling child. 

 Ok - can you provide statistics on the male/female  ratio arriving on small boats?  I don’t think any sensible person would dispute that there are women and children on them.  But they are far outnumbered by young men. 

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7 minutes ago, redruby said:

Yes, with the cultural attitudes towards women  in the countries asylum seekers are fleeing from I’ve no doubt at all there are oppressed women.  But there aren’t boatloads and boatloads full of grinning and waving young women arriving though are there. 


I've never said there were

7 minutes ago, redruby said:

***And just to be absolutely clear, I’m not saying there are no female asylum seekers, I’m saying they are arriving in much smaller numbers***


2 minutes ago, redruby said:

 Ok - can you provide statistics on the male/female  ratio arriving on small boats?

No..I'm not the Home Office 

2 minutes ago, redruby said:


  I don’t think any sensible person would dispute that there are women and children on them.  But they are far outnumbered by young men. 


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