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A Kiss Too Far?

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16 hours ago, Delbow said:

Do you think 'haters' might be a bit OTT? I don't hate the guy, I just think he's a nob. Not aware of anyone who feels the same going on hunger strike over it.

My feelings exactly.  Hate has nothing to do with it,  he should just have the sense to behave properly and not commit offence.

The ones who are keeping this ultra silly circus going are the misogynists who are still defending him.

Facts are still facts, even if someone laughs afterwards.  I,  and I'm sure others,  have been known to laugh when I shouldn't.


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34 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:

My feelings exactly.  Hate has nothing to do with it,  he should just have the sense to behave properly and not commit offence.

The ones who are keeping this ultra silly circus going are the misogynists who are still defending him.

Facts are still facts, even if someone laughs afterwards.  I,  and I'm sure others,  have been known to laugh when I shouldn't.




I see this is the new buzzword word that's getting thrown around by those that have never used it before. I think it's replaced " incel"



White supremacists.



Now it's Misogynists!!!



Wonder what's next....


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32 minutes ago, Al Bundy said:



I see this is the new buzzword word that's getting thrown around by those that have never used it before. I think it's replaced " incel"



White supremacists.



Now it's Misogynists!!!



Wonder what's next....


It'll be,  whatever daft trait you decide to show in your future posts through your capacity for judging people by the million instead of individually.

Easier to accept that we are all different and that,   even when 2 people agree on one thing,  there will be other things that the same two,  are not agreed on.


I don't think that   ALL  righties are racists, misogynists or whatever for instance despite the fact that I know SOME ARE.    Even some righties are not too bad really.    It's differences you see.


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9 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:

It'll be,  whatever daft trait you decide to show in your future posts through your capacity for judging people by the million instead of individually.

Easier to accept that we are all different and that,   even when 2 people agree on one thing,  there will be other things that the same two,  are not agreed on.


I don't think that   ALL  righties are racists, misogynists or whatever for instance despite the fact that I know SOME ARE.    Even some righties are not too bad really.    It's differences you see.


I quite agree, just like some lefties will be misogynistic, misandrists and racists.



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1 hour ago, Al Bundy said:

I quite agree, just like some lefties will be misogynistic, misandrists and racists.



Of course they will.  I never pretended that all the lefties were saints.  Glad my message is finally getting through.


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7 hours ago, Organgrinder said:

The ones who are keeping this ultra silly circus going are the misogynists who are still defending him.

You really believe that?


Ever heard of the LGBT Industrial Complex that has elevated this silly stuff into a International Human Rights Issue. Knocking the Ukraine death and destruction off the public consciousness for a few days?


You really believe that they are "misogynists"?


Edited by trastrick
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22 minutes ago, trastrick said:

You really believe that?


Ever heard of the LGBT Industrial Complex that has elevated this silly stuff into a International Human Rights Issue. Knocking the Ukraine death and destruction off the public consciousness for a few days?


You really believe that they are "misogynists"?


I was referring to on this forum and I've never seen anything on here written by the International human Rights crowd.

Probably got your hump whilst searching all the weird internet sites you can find instead of letting the original kiss die down, due to it's lack of importance to the rest of the world.


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21 hours ago, Organgrinder said:

I was referring to on this forum and I've never seen anything on here written by the International human Rights crowd.

Probably got your hump whilst searching all the weird internet sites you can find instead of letting the original kiss die down, due to it's lack of importance to the rest of the world.




It's a major LGBT international incident! The United Nations are now involving themselves.


It's not a few comments on SF that drove this story.  :)


You really should get out more.  :)


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