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Fund Started To Appeal Sentence For Lucy Letby

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13 hours ago, Hecate said:

Of course she can have a 'gut feeling', about God, or the existence of aliens, or about absolutely anything.  But in this context having a 'gut feeling', in the absence of paying any attention to the evidence, is akin to looking at the accused and deciding that someone's guilty because he looks like a wrong 'un, or innocent because she's pretty and loves her cats.

I think it’s quite difficult for many people to process what this woman did because she’s so ordinary.  ‘Beige’ and ‘vanilla’ have been used to describe her.
That isn’t a good indicator of innocence though; I thought this was an interesting article  https://amp.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2023/aug/24/lucy-letby-serial-killer-forensic-psychologist-murderer

I think Anna B has raised some interesting questions.  I haven’t followed the case closely enough though to comment.  But, the case was very lengthy, so I assume these points have been  considered and the the correct verdict was reached.

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On 27/08/2023 at 10:20, Anna B said:

That's rather my point. The 12 people who sat there for months and listened to every single detail couldn't make up their minds.  Some thought she'd done it, but nearly half thought she hadn't. It was only by a very small majority that she was convicted. If it had been the death penalty as in America, this would have gone automatically to appeal. 


That's all I'm saying. It needs looking at again. 


Someone sent me this:


Go onto the website for Science On Trial, which is the organisation claiming that this nurse was not subjected to a fair hearing and that the scientific evidence available was purposefully misrepresented during the course of the trial. Click on the "Cases" link, and then onto the "Science of Regina v Letby" section. Scroll down until you reach "Infant Mortality At The Countess of Chester Hospital". Two extremely surprising truths are revealed; first, the death toll at COCH during the period 2015-16 were below the NHS national average and, second, the number of deaths on the neonatal unit did indeed INCREASE in 2017-18, after Miss Letby had been removed from duty.

It is also fascinating to read the analysis of the science presented at the trial itself. It is lengthy and complicated, but it is also deeply unsettling. I am not suggesting that I am convinced she is innocent of the crimes for which she has been convicted, but I am no longer sure that she is guilty, either.
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