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What Social Class Are You?

What Social Class Are You?  

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  1. 1. What Social class Are You?

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1 hour ago, Irene Swaine said:

What social class are you? I am curious to know what social class forum users consider themselves to be. I am sure some on here would consider themselves working class but I have also seen some very impressive words used by some posters that suggest a level of intellect. It is so hard to tell what people are, as there are no accents in text!


Are you:-

Working Class?

Middle Class?

Upper Class?

What a silly post.

How long has it been the case that using impressive words changes your class ?

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35 minutes ago, Irene Swaine said:

I can't recall the late great Bernard Manning ever using words such as ambivalent, gratuitous or catalyst.

I wasn't expecting Bernard Manning to be the yardstick we are all measured by but would it have changed his class if he had used some big words ?

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I'm from a traditional working class background and have always had the opinion that if you have to work for a living then you're working class.

Fortunately I had educational opportunities which were denied to the vast majority of my parents' generation which allowed me go on to further and higher education leading to a career in education. Looking at the new classification of the 'Class system' and being retired I suppose I'd be placed in the 'Established technical middle class' category.

Referring to the Cleese, Barker and Corbett 'Class sketch' first broadcast in 1966 in the 'Frost Report' I'd fill the Barker spot but I don't look up to or down on anyone, hopefully treating everyone as equal. Every working person, no matter what they do, gives benefit to society.

Nowadays some of the unskilled workers and tradesmen earn far more than I ever did, so they must be the nouveau riche! 



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I too am working class who took advantage of the Education system by going to University, (albeit as a mature student in my early 30's, a long time ago) not only 'for free' but with a small grant.

It pains me that that opportunity is no longer available today, as it changed my life totally for the better, and I would not have been able to do it without the help.


I recognise how lucky I was, and how difficult it is for young people today, especially working class youngsters, which is why I try to fight for their cause.

Edited by Anna B
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8 minutes ago, trastrick said:

Y'all so easily accept the "class" assigned to you, and by definition, others.


Victorian, colonial, slavish, prejudicial and possibly racist.


Free yourselves, throw off those chains.


Yes you CAN!



Working class and proud of it Trasty

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I believe I’m now middle class but am proud of my working class background. Nearly every man worked in the steelworks, and went for a pint in his local. No working men had cars and all went to work and back on the bus. Only smoking upstairs. Everyone lived in a council house, but when Thatcher brought out the right to buy scheme, things started to change. 
Tradesmen , builders, plumbers, electricians etc,  started to be self employed and owned their own businesses. They could buy their own houses, their children could go to university etc, so the working class could move up to middle class and plumbers became the nouveau rich earning more than office workers !

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