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Walkley Post Office earmarked for closure!

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Originally posted by Tony

Isn't there a PO at Crookesmoor traffic lights?



Can I ask... apart from benefit collection etc, what do people use their post office for that they can't get in other places?


No i don't believe there is one at Crookesmoor anyway.


Benefit collection they don't even want you to do that anymore. They want to pay my family allowance into my bank account, i had to tell them i didn''t want that as when i go to collect it i do other things at the same time (pay bills, post stuff, buy cards and stamps, have to see the slimey bloke that runs it), but apparently it is going to happen that i have to soon, but for now i have told them no way do i want it like that. So is there any wonder they are closing when the government (i assume) are trying to stop peolpe having to go in anymore and then they campaign to keep them open :loopy:

Sometimes the only time an old person goes out of the house, or sees anyone else and they wanna stop that too.

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Originally posted by max

You may be interested to know that Councillor Veronica Hardstaff has written to the PO registering her protest and our MP, Helen Jackson, is going to write to the minister responsible for the PO as well as to the PO themselves.




Petition my ar**. Thats rich. The LABOUR government has done all in it's power to get people to switch the way they have their pensions/benefits paid ie into a bank account rather than having it paid at the post office.


I opted to have my family allowance collected as normal from the post office. This was not for my benefit as it would have been much more convenient for me to have had it paid into my bank account but for the benefit of the community as a whole in order to save a local amenity.


I have been badgered several times by civil servants almost begging me to change my mind.


This has been an orchestrated campaign by the government in order for them to say that post offices are not doing enough business.

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Originally posted by max

There is a petition I've organised which if you want to sign them PM me and we'll sort something out. There should be an article in The Star soon showing people signing the petition.




I spoke to the person responsible at the PO and he said the closures were based on geographic distance and suggested Stannington was only .6 mile away. Laugh.


I'll PM you. I could probably get quite a few people at work to sign the petition as a fair number live in walkley.


LOL about .6 mile away. :loopy: .6 as the crow flies without taking account of terrain perhaps, but not if you have to actually walk it.

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good luck with your petition Ravenger, my sister is facing the same fight for their local PO it looks pretty grim as the people who run it do not want to keep it open they run it in slaphappy fashion anyway, the post mistress can often be seen behind the counter with her baby in her arms! how can you run a busy shop like that?She is more interested in the large payout she will get for the closer of the post office, who knows what plans she has for that shop ( extending the local taxi firm perhaps ) maybe the local elderly who need the post office will use the taxi to get to the nearest office as there is no regular bus service!!!

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Good Luck Ravenger in your fight for your post office we too are in the same position but our postmistress is for the closure so we dont hold out much hope. Even the people that rarely use it have signed any tips for us?

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There is a P.O at crookesmoor on barber road . Although as lovley as rodric is behind the counter I would'nt go if your in a hurry he's really slow. it sells really cheap greetings cards with no comprimise on quality I use it mainly for that and the odd stamp.

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At Bradway our post office closed down, and has now been replaced by a coffee shop. It used to do the full range of services - banking, foreign currency, passports, licences, parcels, benefit payments etc, and also sold greetings cards, envelopes, stationary, lottery tickets etc, and also held local information leaflets such as bus timetables.


However in Bradway we have not lost the facility.


What they did was build an extension onto the GT News shop, and turned it into a SPAR shop, which incorporates Post Office windows at the back.

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Thanks for the kind words!


I'm not organising a campaign or anything, as others have already done that. The local lib-dem councillors put a form through my door for any complaints about the closure, and they're forwarding them onto the post office. Makes a change for a local councillor to do something useful for a change :rolleyes::D

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