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If it's saying "overclocking" it could be that it's referring to your RAM...  would be better if you can note down the WHOLE message next time it happens, should give a better idea! :)

if your RAM is higher-speed and using XMP, that is effectively 'factory' overclocking... it also depends where you got the machine from originally, it could be the CPU was slightly overclocked...

Could potentially just need a good clean out (physically and software)

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I've seen this message (or one like it) but only on boot via a BIOS message. Some boards are just fussy with RAM, mix that with the above (XMP) and it can cause issues.



Check the BIOS and any firmware updates are done.


And to repeat again "Could potentially just need a good clean out (physically and software)"


When I got the message, nothing was overclocked. I reset the BIOS to default and then set the BIOS to exactly the same settings with XMP1 3200 and it booted up fine. That PC has been on 24/7 for over 3 years (apart from cleaning and updates) It might be getting a bit tired now! ;) 


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Thank you Zach and Ghozer. I ran a full virus search: nothing found. The machine was ok for ten years after I first got it and I've done nothing to over clock it. Now I'll try what you say, Zach and give the pc a physical clear out first, then a software cleanup. Thanks everyone again.

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